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Re: help balloons for objects

[stuff deleted]

>For views with irregular borders, MCL has the VIEW-CONTAINS-POINT-P
>method. With that approach you can get all the benefits of using MCL's
>view system and still have irregular views.

[stuff deleted]

>Guillaume Cartier
>LACIM, Universite du Quebec a Montreal.

   Hey!  How do you make an irregularly shaped view?  I've always
wondered how this could be done and I'm not a low-level toolbox
kind of guy so I never really bothered with that sort of thing.

   Do you have a code sample??


   / Bill Andersen (waander@cs.umd.edu) /
  / University of Maryland             /
 / Department of Computer Science     /
/ College Park, Maryland  20742      /
   / Bill Andersen (waander@cs.umd.edu) /
  / University of Maryland             /
 / Department of Computer Science     /
/ College Park, Maryland  20742      /