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Pattern records

Question: Why does the record definition of the pattern record
in library:records.lisp conflict with the definition of the record
in the library:interfaces:quickdraw.lisp?

The standard definition in records.lisp for the pattern record is:
(defrecord pattern 
  (variant ((w0 integer)
            (w1 integer)
            (w2 integer)
            (w3 integer))
           ((b0 byte)
            (b1 byte)
            (b2 byte)
            (b3 byte)
            (b4 byte)
            (b5 byte)
            (b6 byte)
            (b7 byte))
           ((bytes (array byte 8)))
           ((array (array :unsigned-byte 8)))))

The definition in the interface file is:

(defrecord (Pattern :handle) (array (array :unsigned-byte 8)))