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Re: Comments on CLIM1.1 sought - specifically GRASPER

Addition to my previous query: has anyone ported/run Peter Karps
(SRI's) Grasper-CL in CLIM1.1 on the mac? 

I have Peter's email address, no need to tell me that.

Answering my own question #1, CLIM1.1 is develop by Bill
York and Dennis Doughty, according to york%oakland-hills@lucid.com:

> MCL CLIM is currently being developed, maintained and supported by
> Illudium software (basically Dennis and myself).  Illudium is a
> spin-off of International Lisp Associates (ILA), where Dennis and I
> worked for several years.  ILA was the originator of CLIM, and we did
> the initial development work and built the Lisp vendor coalition.
> Nowadays, Dennis works for Interleaf ("ileaf") and I work for Lucid.
> Under the terms of an almost-signed agreement between Illudium and
> Lucid, Lucid will be taking over support for MCL CLIM.  We (Lucid)
> will also be offering distribution and support for MCL itself, as well
> as continuing to support CLIM on the various other Lucid platforms.
> Lucid and Illudium will also team up for CLIM 2 work on the various
> platforms, including MCL.

 Dan Suthers            | LRDC, room 505A
 suthers+@pitt.edu      | 3939 O'Hara Street
 (412) 624-7036 office  | University of Pittsburgh