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Re: ballon-help ?
- To: lafourca@imag.fr (mathieu Lafourcade)
- Subject: Re: ballon-help ?
- From: bill@cambridge.apple.com (Bill St. Clair)
- Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1992 10:38:27 -0600
- Cc: info-mcl
>I have a window with different parts. This parts are NOT represented by
>views but dirrectly drawn in the window.
>I would like to have two different help ballons for this parts. My window
>has a method to know in which part is the cursor.
>I tried to figure out how to write method for ballon help from the file
>help-manager.lisp but nothing happened (I'm trying to think but ...:-)
>It is seems that there is a view-help-event-handler but where it is defined ????
>I anyone has an idea....
The help-manager code doesn't support that as is. Fortunately, it's
not hard to make it do so:
; viewless-balloon-help.lisp
; Define a VIEW-SECTION generic function which can
; be used to generate different balloon help strings for
; different parts of a view (or window). Make the balloon help
; code call it.
(in-package :ccl)
(require "HELP-MANAGER")
(let ((*warn-if-redefine* nil))
; This is a patch for the show-mouse-view-balloon function in
; ccl:library;help-manager.lisp".
; You may wish to put this code in that file.
(export 'view-section)
; view-section should return a token for the section of the
; view that includes the point given as the second argument.
; If the second arg is not specified, it should default to
; the mouse position. The token can be any Lisp object. EQ
; is used to determine if the mouse has entered a new section.
(defmethod view-section (view &optional where)
(declare (ignore view where))
(defvar *mouse-view-section* nil)
(defvar *mouse-view-section-view* nil)
(defun show-mouse-view-balloon ()
(let* ((mouse-view *mouse-view*)
(section (if (eq *mouse-view-section-view* mouse-view)
(setq *mouse-view-section*
(and mouse-view (view-section mouse-view)))
(setq *mouse-view-section-view* mouse-view)
;; if we go outside the content region, then another balloon has taken
;; over, and we just return
(unless mouse-view
(setq *view-with-balloon* nil)
(return-from show-mouse-view-balloon))
;; no balloon means someone else has put up a balloon or gotton rid of ours
(when (not (#_hmisballoon)) (setq *view-with-balloon* nil))
;;if we are not in the same view as before, get rid of old, and put up new
(when (or (neq *view-with-balloon* mouse-view)
(and section
(neq section
(setq *mouse-view-section* (view-section mouse-view)))))
(view-put-up-balloon mouse-view))))
; Example window displays different balloon help strings
; on its right and left sides
(defclass my-window (window)
((saved-view-section :accessor saved-view-section :initarg nil)))
(defmethod view-draw-contents ((w my-window))
(let* ((size (view-size w))
(size-h/2 (floor (point-h size) 2))
(size-v (point-v size)))
(#_Moveto size-h/2 0)
(#_Lineto size-h/2 size-v)))
(defmethod view-section ((w my-window) &optional
(where (view-mouse-position w)))
(let ((h (point-h where)))
(setf (saved-view-section w)
(if (> h (floor (point-h (view-size w)) 2))
(defmethod help-string ((w my-window))
(if (eq (saved-view-section w) :right)
"You're pointing at the right half of this window"
"You're pointing at the left half of this window"))
(make-instance 'my-window)