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bug using array dialog items
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: bug using array dialog items
- From: dfoster@ils.nwu.edu
- Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 10:32:46 CST
Any suggestions about the following MCL 2.0 problem?
;;; David Foster
;;; The Institute for the Learning Sciences
;;; dfoster@ils.nwu.edu
;;; Bug: when setting the frame of an array dialog item to *white-color*,
;;; the window refreshes don't work properly on the cells of the array
;;; dialog item. Cell contents go away, parts of cells covered by other
;;; windows never are fixed, etc.
;;; required: code for "array-dialog-item", included in Examples Folder
;;; To observe the problem, type (doit). Play around with clicking on
;;; cells, switching back and forth between windows, partially covering
;;; highlighted cells with another window and then reactivating the
;;; window, and so forth.
;;;----------------------array dialog item stuff (should be fine) ---
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(export '(array-dialog-item table-array h-specifier v-specifier
set-table-array set-h-specifier set-v-specifier
(defclass array-dialog-item (table-dialog-item)
((array :reader table-array :writer (setf table-array-slot))
(dimensions :accessor table-array-dimensions)
(h-specifier :reader h-specifier :writer (setf h-specifier-slot))
(v-specifier :reader v-specifier :writer (setf v-specifier-slot))
(table-subscript :reader table-subscript :writer (setf
(defmethod initialize-instance ((item array-dialog-item) &rest rest &key
(table-array #2a((0 0)(0 0)))
(h-specifier 0)
(v-specifier 1)
table-subscript table-dimensions)
(declare (dynamic-extent rest))
(let ((array-dimensions (array-dimensions table-array)))
(if (< (length array-dimensions) 2)
(error "Arrays for array-dialog-items must have two or more
Passed array is: ~s. Use sequence-dialog-items for vectors." table-array))
(if table-subscript
(unless (eql (length table-subscript) (length array-dimensions))
(error "table-subscript is the wrong length."))
(setq table-subscript
(make-list (length array-dimensions) :initial-element 0)))
(setq table-dimensions
(if table-dimensions
(require-type table-dimensions 'integer)
(make-point (elt array-dimensions h-specifier)
(elt array-dimensions v-specifier))))
(setf (table-array-slot item) table-array
(table-array-dimensions item) array-dimensions
(h-specifier-slot item) h-specifier
(v-specifier-slot item) v-specifier
(table-subscript-slot item) table-subscript)
(apply #'call-next-method
:table-dimensions table-dimensions
(defmethod cell-to-subscript ((item array-dialog-item) point)
(let ((table-subscript (table-subscript item)))
(setf (elt table-subscript (h-specifier item)) (point-h point))
(setf (elt table-subscript (v-specifier item)) (point-v point))
(if (apply #'array-in-bounds-p (table-array item) table-subscript)
(defmethod subscript-to-cell ((item array-dialog-item) subscript)
(let ((table-subscript (table-subscript item))
(h-specifier (h-specifier item))
(v-specifier (v-specifier item)))
(if (eq (length subscript) (length table-subscript))
(setf (elt table-subscript (h-specifier item)) (elt subscript
(setf (elt table-subscript (v-specifier item)) (elt subscript
(if (equal subscript table-subscript)
(make-point (elt subscript h-specifier) (elt subscript
(defmethod cell-contents ((item array-dialog-item) h &optional v &aux
(if (setq subscript (cell-to-subscript item (make-point h v)))
(apply #'aref (table-array item) subscript)
(defun readjust-table-dimensions (item)
(let ((array-dimensions (array-dimensions (table-array item))))
(set-table-dimensions item
(elt array-dimensions (h-specifier item))
(elt array-dimensions (v-specifier item)))))
(defmethod set-h-specifier ((item array-dialog-item) dimension)
(setf (h-specifier-slot item) dimension)
(readjust-table-dimensions item)
(defmethod set-v-specifier ((item array-dialog-item) dimension)
(setf (v-specifier-slot item) dimension)
(readjust-table-dimensions item)
(defmethod set-table-array ((item array-dialog-item) new-array)
(let ((array-dimensions (array-dimensions new-array)))
(if (< (length array-dimensions) 2)
(error "Arrays for array-dialog-items must have two or more
Passed array is: ~s. Use sequence-dialog-items for vectors." new-array))
(setf (table-array-dimensions item) array-dimensions)
(setf (table-array-slot item) new-array)
(setf (h-specifier-slot item) 0)
(setf (v-specifier-slot item) 1)
(setf (table-subscript-slot item)
(make-sequence 'list (length array-dimensions) :initial-element
(readjust-table-dimensions item)
(defmethod set-table-subscript ((item array-dialog-item) new-subscript)
(if (apply #'array-in-bounds-p (table-array item) new-subscript)
(setf (table-subscript-slot item) new-subscript)
(readjust-table-dimensions item)
(error "Subscript ~s Out of bounds" new-subscript)))
;;;------------------------------------------ the test code...
(defclass adi-1 (array-dialog-item) ())
(defparameter *y* 0)
(defun doit () ;;; execute this function
(setq *y* 0)
(setq w
(make-instance 'window
:view-size (make-point 400 190) ))
(setq a1
(make-instance 'adi-1
(make-array '(1 15) :initial-element "one..")
:view-position (make-point 0 0)
:view-size (make-point 48 165)
:table-vscrollp nil
:table-hscrollp nil
:view-font '("Geneva" 9 :PLAIN)
:view-container w
(setq a2
(make-instance 'adi-1
(make-array '(1 15) :initial-element "two......... ")
:view-position (make-point 60 0)
:table-vscrollp nil
:table-hscrollp nil
:view-size (make-point 148 165)
:view-font '("Geneva" 9 :PLAIN)
:view-container w
(set-part-color a2 :frame *white-color*) ;; *** here's the bugger ***
(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((i adi-1) where)
(let ((n (floor (/ (+ 1 (point-v where)) 12))))
(print n)
(cell-deselect a1 0 *y*)
(cell-deselect a2 0 *y*)
(setq *y* n)
(cell-select a1 0 n)
(cell-select a2 0 n))) ;just makes the two behave like one
David Foster | A thought may be compared to a cloud
Institute for the | shedding a shower of words.
Learning Sciences | - L. Vgotsky
dfoster@ils.nwu.edu |
(708) 467-1771 | [snicker] yeah, [snort] sure.
| - D. Foster