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I am hopelessly stuck: the purpose of the following abbreviated code is to use 

the list (items) and build from it a dialog consisting of buttons, 

check-boxes etc.  I am building the list *show-list* for use by 

:view-subviews. I encounter a hopeless tangle of interactions 

among and between buttons and  boxes. The static text items are 

work well.

What are the errors of my way ? Please adevise.


(defun init-all-items (items)

  (declare (list items))

     (setf *show-list* '())

     (dolist (item items)

     (let ((display-item (first item))

          (left-x (second item))

     	    (skipping rest)))

            (declare (atom sym left-x left-y right-x right-y) (string dialog-text))

    (cond ((equal display-item :radio)

           (setf *show-list* (append *show-list* (list

                         (make-dialog-item 'radio-button-dialog-item

                         (make-point left-x left-y)

                         (make-point right-x right-y)


                          #'(lambda (item)


                              (set-display-hash sym))

                         :view-font '("Monaco" 12 :plain)

                         :radio-button-cluster 1


          ((equal display-item :check)

           (setf *show-list* (append *show-list* (list

                           (make-dialog-item 'check-box-dialog-item

                           (make-point left-x left-y)

                           (make-point right-x right-y)


                            #'(lambda (item)


                                (set-display-hash sym))

                            :view-font '("Monaco" 9 :bold)


        (t nil))))


     (make-instance 'dialog

                  :window-type :document 

                  :window-title "Test Dialog"

                  :view-position #@(20 40)

                  :view-size #@(200 300) 

                  :view-subviews  *show-list*)



(setf items


    T( (:radio 10 110 150 120 "Dysarthria" :dysarthric)

     (:radio 10 130 150 150 "Acute Onset" :course-acute)

     (:check 10 100 120 80 "Married" :status-married)

     (:check 10  80 120 80 "Unemployed" :status-unemployed)
