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What does the standard say about CERROR?

I'm a little confused about the behavior of MCL 2.0p2 with the function
CERROR.  Following is some example code that seems like it should work, but

(defparameter *cerror* (make-condition 'simple-error
                       :format-string "FIle 1 (~a) shorter than file 2 (~a)"
                        :format-arguments '(foo bar)))
;; *cerror* is now #<simple-error #xD14041>

(simple-condition-format-arguments *cerror*)
;; sanity check.  this call returns the correct thing: (Foo Bar).  So the
condition is OK

;; CLTL2, on page 887, says that cerror takes a continue-format-string
;; a datum (which can be simply a condition, as in this case), &rest arguments
;; which are used (when the datum is a condition) in the continue-format-string
;; this description matches the arglist in the fred minibuffer, BTW

;; but
(cerror  "Truncate file 2 (~a)"  *cerror* 'bar)
;; returns 
;;> Error: Too many arguments.
;;> While executing: CCL::CONDITION-ARG
;;> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
;;> If continued: Truncate file 2 (BAR)
;;See the Restartsn menu item for further choices.
;;1 > 
;; notice that the continue string is correct

;; the syntax presented on CLTL2, page 667, which was overridden by
;; the 887 syntax, says that cerror takes a continue-format-string,
;; an error-format-string, &rest arguments (as in the following)

(cerror "Truncate file 2" "File 1 (~a) shorter than file 2 (~a)" 'foo 'bar)

;; this (incorrect?) call works
;;> Error: File 1 (FOO) shorter than file 2 (BAR)
;;> While executing: CCL::TOPLEVEL-EVAL
;;> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
;;> If continued: Truncate file 2
;;See the Restartsn menu item for further choices.
;;1 > 

Does this contradict the standard?  Or has there been some change?

Thanks for the help!

Douglas Merrill
Visiting Scholar
The Institute for the Learning Sciences
Northwestern University
1890 Maple Ave
Evanston IL 60201