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Re: C syntax in Lisp
- To: info-mcl
- Subject: Re: C syntax in Lisp
- From: neves@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu (David &)
- Date: 17 Feb 93 19:22:02 GMT
- Followup-to: comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp, comp.lang.lisp.mcl
- Organization: The Institute for the Learning Sciences
- References: <1lhd5mINN8a8@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Sender: usenet@ils.nwu.edu (Mr. usenet)
Erann Gat (gat@robotics.jpl.nasa.gov) wrote:
: Discussions about the virtues of Lisp syntax arise perenially. Although
: I personally like prefix notation, I have to deal with customers who do
: not, and who will not change their minds any time soon. Therefore, I
: have written a partial C syntax parser in Common Lisp. Currently it
: handles expressions only, not statements (e.g.: x=foo.baz[3+z] ==>
: (setf x (aref (struct-ref foo 'baz) (+ 3 z))) ) ...
: 1. Has anyone else done something similar that they are willing to
: release? I prefer not to reinvent wheels.
Years ago (early '70s) there was a tranlator called Mlisp from
Stanford that translated an Algol-like syntax into Lisp 1.6. You
might look at that. The source used to be available and there was a
tech report describing it. The downside of using it was that all
debugging was still in the destination (i.e. lisp w/ parens)
language. Unless you allow debugging in the source language I
don't think that your customers will be very happy.
Show them LOOP. That almost looks like a c/pascal :-).
Also, from time to time there have been read macros that translate infix
arithmetic expressions to lisp-type prefix ones. I don't have any
pointers for those.
Institute for the Learning Sciences, 1890 Maple, Evanston Il 60201