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Re: Revert menu-item not enable

On Mon Aug  2, Andre Koehorst writes:
  REGARDING                Revert menu-item not enabled
  If we define a window-revert method for a window class, the
  standard menu item "Revert" will not be enabled (when an instances
  is made active) if we've also defined a window-needs-saving-p
  method for that class.
  Test machines: FX, 16-32 meg sys 7.1. (more info when necessary)
  Is this a bug?
... code omitted

I've tried your example under Common Lisp Version 2.0p2
and have been unable to duplicate the problem. 
1. the Save menu item of the *file-menu* is enabled for both windows.
2. The Revert menu item of the *file-menu* is enabled for the window
   (test2) with the window-revert method and disabled for
   the window without a window-revert method.
Perhaps you're running a different version or you've changed
the behavior of the *file-menu* or the Revert menu item.


The standard ccl::update-function for the *file-menu* is nil.

The standard ccl::update-function for the revert menu item is the
The function executes the following steps.
1. If there is a front window continue
   otherwise disable the revert item and return
2. If a window-revert method exists for the front window continue,
   otherwise disable the revert item and return
3. If a window-needs-saving-p method exists for the front window continue, 
   otherwise disable the revert item
4. When a window-filename exists for the front window, then execute it.
5. Invoke the window-needs-saving-p method.
   If it returns t, then enable the revert menu item
   otherwise disable the revert menu item.