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Re: Can I make a stand-alone app in something like MCL?

At  5:18 PM 8/17/93 +0000, John E. Bell wrote:
>I love to program in MCL, but I have to be able to make stand-alone
>apps which do not require 800K to perform "Hello World!"
>Is this possible with MCL? If not, will it ever be? Or is there
>another language/system similar to MCL which can do it?

Currently, the minimim MCL based application size is about 1.5 megs.
Gary Byers did some research into throwing away unused parts of MCL
and managed to convince himself that the BinHex example would
require only 400-600K, but he never finished saving the resulting
application so that we would know for sure. Completing this
"small application generator" is on our long list of things to
do, but is unlikely to get any Apple developer time in the foreseeable
near term.

MacScheme may work for you, though I don't know if the information
from the Lisp FAQ is up to date:

   MacScheme is a Scheme interpreter and compiler for the Apple Macintosh, and
   includes an editor, debugger and object system.  MacScheme costs $125
   (includes compiler) and Scheme Express costs $70 (interpreter only). It
   requires 1mb RAM. A development environment (MacScheme+Toolsmith) costs
   $495. Conforms to the Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
   MacScheme+Toolsmith includes support for menus, windows, and interfaces to
   the Macintosh Toolbox, and can create small standalone Macintosh
   executables. Implemented by Will Clinger, John Ulrich, Liz Heller and Eric
   Ost.  Write to: Lightship Software, PO Box 1636, Beaverton, OR 97075, or
   call (503) 292-8765. They're moving to California. The temporary phone
   number is 415-940-4008 (Liz Heller). The new phone number will be
   415-694-7799. MacScheme is distributed by ACS, 2015 East 3300
   South, Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2630, 1-800-531-3227 (801-484-3923).

See the Lisp FAQ for more possibilities. Here's how to get it:

   To obtain the files from CMU, connect by anonymous ftp to any CMU CS
   machine (e.g., ftp.cs.cmu.edu []), using username
   "anonymous" and password "name@host". The files lisp-faq-1.text,
   lisp-faq-2.text, lisp-faq-3.text, lisp-faq-4.text, lisp-faq-5.text
   lisp-faq-6.text, lisp-faq-7.text, and scheme-faq-1.text are located
   in the directory 
   [Note: You must cd to this directory in one atomic operation, as
   some of the superior directories on the path are protected from
   access by anonymous ftp.] If your site runs the Andrew File System,
   you can just cp the files directly without bothering with FTP.

   To obtain the files from Thinking Machines, ftp them from ftp.think.com,
   in the directory /public/think/lisp/. The file faq.text contains all the
   parts of the Lisp FAQ in one file. In addition, specific versions of the 
   FAQ are available as faq-<version>.text. The Scheme FAQ is
   available as the file scheme-faq.text, with particular versions as