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IIsi vs. MCL {The patch works !!}
- To: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: IIsi vs. MCL {The patch works !!}
- From: Don Winiecki <IBDON@ttacs1.ttu.edu>
- Date: 09 Nov 1993 16:16:56 -0600 (CST)
At 4:05 PM 11/9/93 Don Winiecki responded to Kalman Reti:
re: IIsi vs. MCL
>>[ ... ]
>>Yes, thanks. It is definitely a bug, I'm working on developing a workaround
>>for you. However, I'm not going to be in the office much today, so it might
>>be another day or two.
[ ... ]
>>>Awaiting results of your efforts. Thanks for the support! (a very plesant
>>You're quite welcome. (Reti)
>OK, I have a workaround for you that I'd like you to test. This isn't the
>final patch, i.e. it won't work on all machines, but should work on yours.
>(I don't have access to an si, so I can't be 100% sure, which is why I need
>you to test it).
>You'll need to make a copy of your MCL, then run the original, load the
>attached file, then invoke the function PATCH-CI-SI on the copy. If
>everything works as I expect, that copy will then run under VM on your si.
>Let me know what happens and thanks for your patience.
"Amazing!" said Ahern (A THINK Pascal thrasher, and my doctoral advisor...).
"You got the patch ALREADY?!" said Means (a Borland C++ junkie...).
These comments express the shock of others, who predicted I was hung forever
from using MCL on my IIsi.
However, from the fast responses of Bill & Reti at
"info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com" to my reports of V-M conflicts, I would have
been surprised otherwise!
Yes, Reti! the patch works on my IIsi !!!!!
Now running 9MB memory (5MB installed RAM + 4 MB v-m) with your patch
I'll keep the debugger active for awhile and keep you informed of any
~ Mucho gracias, senior ! ~
~ Mambo thanques, bud ! ~
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