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Trouble with 2.0 -> 2.0.1 updater

I downloaded the updater, and I did what the *README* file says.  But,
when MCL tries to load the faster-make-instance-patch, my computer
hangs and MCL won't let me do anything...


1.  Has anyone else experienced this problem?
2.  Could it be my computer?  (Quadra 660AV, 8 megs memory, System
7.1, all extensions off when I try to patch MCL)
3.  Could it be the fact that I'm trying to patch a p2 version of MCL

|Bobby Yee             |  We're not fat, we're white, we're Catholic, |
|by0b@andrew.cmu.edu   |  And we are sick about it!                   |
|yeester@cmu.edu       |                            -- Don & Mike     |
|Ain't they jerks                                                     |
|I listen to 'em on the way home from work                            |
|Don & Mike on WJFK                                                   |
|Ain't they jerks                                                     |