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Re: balloon help menu

At  2:38 PM 1/4/94 -0400, bright@ENH.NIST.GOV wrote:
 >Anyone know how to add menu items to the balloon help menu?  (menubar)
 >doesn't seem to list it.

;----------- balloon-help-menu.lisp --------------------------- 

(in-package ccl)

; This lets you add your own menu items to the Balloon Help 
; menu, which appears on the System 7 menubar.

; straz 8-Jul-93

; For example of how to use this, see the end of this file.

; Test for Help Manager when loading

(unless *help-manager-present*
  (error "Help Manager is not running on this machine. Perhaps you need System 7"))

; Parameters

(defparameter *balloon-menu*  nil
  "This is the balloon help menu item.
   Instantiating it adds a grey separator line after the
   predefined System help items. Your own items will be installed
   after this separator.")

(defparameter *help-menu-item-offset*
  (1+ #$kHMShowBalloonsItem)
  "The first N (usually 4) menu items are managed by the Help Manager")

; The Balloon Help menu class
(defclass help-menu (menu)
  ((menu-id :initform #$kHMHelpMenuID :reader menu-id)
   (menu-handle :initform (rlet ((mh :pointer))
                            (#_HMGetHelpMenuHandle mh)
                            (%get-ptr mh))
                :reader menu-handle))
  (:default-initargs :menu-title "[?]"))

(defmethod initialize-instance ((menu help-menu) &rest rest)
  (declare (ignore rest))
  (init-menu-id menu))

; Overridden menu methods (from l1-menus.lisp)

; Register menu by ID number
(defmethod init-menu-id ((menu help-menu))
  (let* ((id (menu-id menu)) ; should already be #$kHMHelpMenuID
         (found (assoc id *menu-id-object-alist*)))
    (if found
      (setf (cdr found) menu)
      (push (cons id menu) *menu-id-object-alist*))))

; Start counting menu items from 3 (bypassing system help menu items)
; instead of 1 (like a normal menu does)
(defmethod add-menu-items ((menu help-menu) &rest args &aux item mh)
  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
  (do* ((number (+ 1 *help-menu-item-offset*
                   (list-length (slot-value menu 'item-list)))
                (%i+ number 1)))
       ((null args) nil)
    (setq item (require-type (pop args) 'menu-element))
    (when (typep item 'menu)
      (when (slot-value item 'menu-handle)
        (error "Menu ~s is already installed" item)))
    (setf (slot-value menu 'item-list)
          (nconc (slot-value menu 'item-list) (list item)))
    (setf (slot-value item 'owner) menu)
    (when (string= (slot-value item 'title) "-")
      (setf (slot-value item 'enabledp) nil))
    (when (typep item 'menu)
      (menu-install item))
    (when (setq mh (slot-value menu 'menu-handle))
      (install-menu-item mh item number))
    (set-part-color-loop item (slot-value item 'color-list))))

; You can't add or remove the balloon help menu

(defmethod menu-install ((menu help-menu))

(defmethod menu-deinstall ((menu help-menu))

; Standard Help Menu items are automatically handled for you
; by the system. This method handles the ones you add yourself.
(defmethod menu-select ((menu help-menu) item)
  (call-next-method menu (- item *help-menu-item-offset*)))

; Patch to l1-menus.lisp
; menu item number is +4 if owner is the balloon help menu
(defmethod menu-item-number ((item menu-element) &aux owner)
  (when (setq owner (slot-value item 'owner))
    (+ 1 (position item (the list (slot-value owner 'item-list))
                  :test 'eq)
       (if (eq owner *balloon-menu*)

; Example of how to add your own Balloon Help menu item:

; Instantiating the help-menu adds a grey separator line after the
; predefined System help items. Your own items will be installed
; after this separator.
(setf *balloon-menu*  (make-instance 'help-menu))

; Add a simple menu item
(add-menu-items *balloon-menu*
                (make-instance 'menu-item
                  :menu-item-title "Trivial help
                  :menu-item-action #'(lambda () (print "This is a trivial help string."))))