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bug: icon-dialog-item doesn't use view container (and fix)
- To: bug-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
- Subject: bug: icon-dialog-item doesn't use view container (and fix)
- From: cornell@freya.cs.umass.edu
- Date: Sat, 12 Mar 94 09:55:04 -0500
- Cc: info-mcl@cambridge.apple.com
Following is an example of the bug, then the fix. -matt
;;; Here's a bug involving ICON-DIALOG-ITEMs in subviews: Eval the
;;; form then try clicking the extreme right and left sides of each
;;; button. The button works fine but clicking the icon's right side
;;; causes momentary flashing then nothing.
(require "QUICKDRAW")
(require "ICON-DIALOG-ITEM")
(let* ((button (make-instance 'button-dialog-item :dialog-item-text "Click Me!"))
(icon (make-dialog-item 'icon-dialog-item #@(60 10) #@(32 32)
"Untitled" #'identity :icon *stop-icon*))
(subview (make-instance 'view
:view-size #@(100 70)
:view-position #@(0 0)
:view-subviews (list button icon))))
(make-instance 'window :view-subviews (list subview))
;; Make view draw its border.
(defmethod view-draw-contents :after ((view (eql subview)))
(multiple-value-bind (pt-top-left pt-bot-right)
(view-corners view)
(frame-rect (view-container view) pt-top-left pt-bot-right)))
;; Move to show bug with offsets.
(set-view-position subview #@(10 0)))
;;; icon-dialog-item-patch.lisp
(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")
;; Change Log
;; ...
;; 11-Mar-94 mc Fixed bug in view-click-event-handler. Was using
;; view-window instead of view-container. (cornell@cs.umass.edu)
(in-package :ccl)
(defmethod view-click-event-handler ((item icon-dialog-item) where)
(declare (ignore where))
(let* ((pos (view-position item))
(inverted-p nil)) ;true when the mouse is over the icon
(with-focused-view (view-container item) ;Draw in the container's coordinates
(rlet ((temp-rect :rect ;temporarily allocate a rectangle
:topLeft pos
:botRight (add-points pos (view-size item))))
(#_invertrect temp-rect) ;initially invert the icon.
(setq inverted-p t)
(loop ;loop until the button is released
(unless (mouse-down-p)
(when inverted-p ;if button released with mouse
; over the icon, run the action
(dialog-item-action item)
(#_invertrect temp-rect)
(setq inverted-p nil))
(return-from view-click-event-handler))
(if (#_PtInRect
(view-mouse-position (view-container item)) ;view-container was view-window
temp-rect) ;is mouse over the icon's rect?
(unless inverted-p ;yes, make sure it's
(#_invertrect temp-rect)
(setq inverted-p t))
(when inverted-p ;no, make sure it's not inverted.
(#_invertrect temp-rect)
(setq inverted-p nil)))))))))