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Do MCL's file manipulation functions handle aliases?

I was was having some problems with the file manipulation
functions when aliases are involved.  These problems
are demonstrated below:

;; testfile is a file in the folder testfolder in the MCL
;; directory.  testalias is an alias to testfolder in the
;; MCL directory

? (setf xxx (open ":testfolder:testfile"))
? (close xxx)
? (setf xxx (open ":testalias:testfile"))
> Error: File ":testalias:testfile" does not exist.
> While executing: CCL::IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts! menu item for further choices.
1 > 

Why does this happen?  Can MCL not handle the alias?  I had 
a similar problem when I tried to make a pathname that had
a folder alias in the path:

;; Curvefitter is an alias to a folder

? (setf xxx (make-pathname
             :directory '(:relative "Curvefitter"
                          "flowview" "fortran" "comm")
             :name "parameters"))
? (setf yyy (open xxx))
> Error: Undefined logical directory name NIL in (:ABSOLUTE)
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts! menu item for further choices.
1 > 

Why does open decide that I wanted an absolute path when
I specifically created a relative one?

The odd thing is that MCL seems to handle aliases to files
with no trouble.
