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I want to draw two colour rectangles which partially overlap on each side, so
that the part that overlap are set to the background colour and the rest is in
the foreground colour.  For example,

   ----------                               -----
  |    |     |                             |     |
  |----      |    should appear as     ----      |
  |          |                        |          |
   ----------                          ----------

The :patXor pen-mode almost does this, but it leaves the overlap in portion in
a colour exactly opposite the first rectangle's foreground colour and draws the
remaining part of the second rectangle in black.

Is there a way of asking Xor to use the current foreground and background
colours instead of using the foreground and its opposite?  Or is there another
method of doing this I should be aware of?

  ...o  \  Bruce Jakeway  *  pbjakeway@barrow.uwaterloo.ca  /  +============+
 o      /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""\  |     o      |}
/~>     *  I press on toward the goal to ... which God has  *  |    /|\     | }
/|      *  called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Php 3:14  *  |    | |     |  }