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Supporting the development of MCL
- To: announce-mcl@digitool.com
- Subject: Supporting the development of MCL
- From: hsayed@digitool.com (Hazem Sayed)
- Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 23:39:32 -0500
- Sender: owner-info-mcl@digitool.com
Dear MCL Users,
Since the announcement of Digitool's acquisition of MCL and our plans for
the release of MCL 3.0 for 680X0 Macs, a student edition of MCL, and a
PowerPC release based on MCL 3.0, we have received numerous inquiries
regarding additional functionality. These have included inquiries about
CLIM, WOOD, and Mac OS features such as AOCE and OpenDoc.
Your enthusiastic response is very encouraging. There is a clear demand
for the continued development and improvement of MCL-based tools, and we
realize that they are critical to MCL's future. The PowerPC release is
Digitool's immediate priority, and is assured by the funding commitments of
our sponsors. We will undertake related development activities in parallel
as a function of additional resources becoming available to us.
We would like to extend the opportunity to the MCL community to further
support our effort and to further expand our MCL development activities.
If you are interested in seeing additional development along with the port
of MCL to the PowerPC, please consider participating via one of the
following three ways by December 25, 1994. The commitments we receive by
the end of this calendar year, will allow us to establish and announce
early on further development activities.
1) Order your $135 upgrade to MCL 3.0 for 680x0 Macs by December 25, 1994
and receive a $35 discount on the subsequent upgrade to the PowerPC release
of MCL (under $200). Version 3.0 for 68K Macs is expected to be released
in the first half of 1995.
** Advance upgrade orders must be sent directly to Digitool (details below). **
2) Order or renew an MCL site license by December 25, 1994. Digitool will
in turn guarantee the extension of your 12-month subscription license to
include the first release of MCL for the Power Macintosh.
Limited territory $2,500 $625 $1,250
Unlimited Territory $10,000 $2,500 $5,000
Unlimited Worldwide $30,000 $7,500 $15,000
** Site license orders must be sent directly to Apple (details below). **
3) Join the group of current MCL corporate sponsors and receive benefits
similar to those of our charter sponsors, such as early access to MCL
** Please contact Digitool directly for details under non-disclosure. **
Thank you for your continued support of MCL.
Hazem Sayed
Digitool, Inc.
675 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Internet: hsayed@digitool.com AppleLink: digitool
Tel: 617 441-5000 Fax: 617 576-7680
Advance orders for the MCL 3.0 upgrade must be sent directly to Digitool
and not APDA as is the case with all other MCL orders. E-mail orders are
preferred, but orders may also be placed by phone, fax, or regular mail.
Please provide the information requested in the order form below.
Payment: The following forms of payment are accepted:
Check drawn on a U.S. bank.
Credit card (VISA or MasterCard).
By Electronic Mail
Cut and paste the MCL 3.0 Upgrade Order Form below into a new message. Fill
it out and send it to Digitool using one of the following addresses:
AppleLink: order-mcl@digitool.com@internet#
Internet: order-mcl@digitool.com
By Phone
Phone: 1-617-441-5000
Digitool phone lines are staffed Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
By Fax
Fax: 1-617-576-7680
By Mail
Digitool, Inc.
675 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MCL 3.0 UPGRADE ORDER FORM +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date: ___________________________ P.O. number: ____________________
First name: _____________________ Last name: ______________________
Organization (if any):________________________________________________
Shipping address: ____________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _______________
Zip: ___________ Country: ____________________________
Telephone: _________________________ Fax: _________________________
E-mail: ____________________________
Quantity Product Unit cost Total
-------- ------- --------- -------
______ Upgrade from MCL 2.x to MCL 3.0 for $135.00 $____.00
680x0 Macintosh computers
5% Sales Tax (for Massachusetts orders only) $____.00
Shipping U.S. ($5.00 per unit) $____.00
Shipping Canada ($10.00 per unit) $____.00
Shipping Overseas ($25.00 per unit) $____.00
TOTAL $____.00
Check (drawn on U.S. bank) number: _____________ Date: ____________
Credit card: VISA number: ____________________ Exp: _____________
MasterCard number: ____________________ Exp: _____________
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF ORDER FORM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MCL site licenses are available on an annual subscription basis with
licensee automatically receiving all MCL updates released during the
subscription period. Depending on the site license, licensee receives one
or two master copies of the MCL software and documentation and is granted a
license to duplicate the software and documentation as provided for in the
site license agreement. The annual renewal fee is 25% of the initial
license fee, and the reinstatement fee for lapsed licenses is 50% of the
initial license fee.
License for up to ten copies of MCL (software and documentation)
distributed at Licensee's site within a 25 mile radius. Includes one (1)
master copy of MCL software and documentation.
R0164LL/A, R0164LL/AE (Educational): First year license fee $2,500.00
R0303LL/A, R0303LL/AE (Educational): Annual license renewal fee $625.00
R0303LL/AR, R0303LL/ARE (Educational): License reinstatement fee $1,250.00
License for unlimited copies of MCL (software and documentation)
distributed at Licensee's site within a 25 mile radius. Includes two (2)
master copies of MCL software and documentation.
R0165LL/A, R0165LL/AE (Educational): First year license fee $10,000.00
R0307LL/A, R0307LL/AE (Educational): Annual license renewal fee $2,500.00
R0307LL/AU, R0307LL/AUE (Educational): License reinstatement fee $5,000.00
License for unlimited copies of MCL (software and documentation)
distributed at Licensee's sites worldwide. Includes two (2) master copies
of MCL software and documentation.
R0165LL/AW, R0165LL/AWE (Educational): First year license fee $30,000.00
R0307LL/AW, R0307LL/AWE (Educational): Annual license renewal fee $7,500.00
R0307LL/AWR, R0307LL/AWK (Educational): License reinstatement fee $15,000.00
** Initial License Fee Credits:
(1) Limited Territory License - Licensees that have previously purchased 10
or more copies of MCL, may reduce the initial license fee by 50%.
(2) Unlimited Territory and Worldwide License - Licensees that have
previously purchased 40 or more copies of MCL may reduce the initial
license fee by 50%.
To order an MCL site license, contact Apple Software Licensing directly.
You will be sent a Development Tools Site License Agreement. Upon receipt
of your payment and the signed agreement, APDA will ship the site license
to you.
By Phone
Phone 1-512 919-2645
By Fax
Fax 1-512 919-2120
By Electronic Mail
AppleLink: sw.license
Internet: sw.license@applelink.apple.com
By Mail
Apple Computer, Inc.
Software Licensing Department
20525 Mariani Avenue, M/S 38I
Cupertino, CA 95014