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;;; I seem to have difficulty with getting init.lisp to load upon
;;; opening a saved application. The following example does not work
;;; as I expected.

;;; init.lisp file

(format t "~%file init.lisp loaded!")

(cond ((find-package :test-package)
       (format t "~%")
       (format t "~% Welcome to test-package!")
       (format t "~%"))
      (t (format t "~%package :test-package not found!")))

;;; end init.lisp

;;; test application

(defpackage test-package)

(in-package test-package)

(format t "~%Welcome to test package!")

(save-application "test-application")

;;; end test application

;;; Opening MCL 2.0.1 results in"

file init.lisp loaded!
package :test-package not found!
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 2.0.1!

;;; appearing in the listener window.

;;; But opening test-application results in

Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 2.0.1!

;;; printed to the listener window.

;;; I want to automatically initialize "WOOD" stacks upon
;;; opening a saved application.

;;; Thanks, Sheldon

Sheldon S. Ball