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a listener that won't listen

Hello all,

It's been a while since I frequented this list, so excuse me if this has
been asked recently.

I am creating an application in 2.0.1 and want to have a back door to lisp
available for debugging. What I want is to be able to switch between the
application's menus and my normal list development menus at will. This I
can do with no problem. But I also, of course, would like a listener
available in the lisp side of things. I manage to get a listener window,
but get no prompt in this window: there appears to be no read-eval-print
loop. The Eval menu-item also gives no response. I suspect that the problem
may lie with event-dispatch or somesuch, but the application seems to be
able to cope just fine.

Here is a snapshot of how I have things set up.

This is how I save the application. I call this with :debug t.

(defmethod save-as-application ((app FWapplication) &key (debug nil))
  (map nil 'CloseDocument (FWDocuments app))
  (unless debug
    (window-hide *top-listener*))
  (save-application (choose-new-file-dialog
                     :prompt "Save new application.."
                     :button-string "Save")
                   :init-file nil
                   :toplevel-function #'application-startup
                   :creator (creatortype app)
                   :excise-compiler (not debug)))

Then I call this function from a menu-item in the application.

(defun mcl ()
       (if *top-listener*
         (window-show *top-listener*)
         (setq *top-listener* (make-instance 'listener))))

Anybody have any comments on this or any advice on how to do what I want
properly. I would appreciate getting email directly as well as posting
answers to the list.
Thanks in advance,


Martin Stanley

Department of Computer Science, AI Group
University of Toronto
6 King's College Road
Pratt Building, Room 265A
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A4

416 978-3853