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Re: problem with view-deactivate-event-handler

In article <9502132245.AA25348@media.mit.edu>, abegel@media.mit.edu writes:
|> I tried defining this method on a window I had, so that when it was deactivated
|> it would go to the back of all of the windows.
|> (defmethod view-deactivate-event-handler ((window procs-window))
|>   (set-window-layer window (length (windows)))
|>   (call-next-method))
|> Theorectically, this should have worked. Unfortunately, all Lisp did 
|> upon deactivation of said window was to infinitely recurse calling
|> view-deactivate-event-handler and die with a stack overflow.

Since set-window-layer can cause a window to be activated or deactivated, 
the call to set-window-layer should also send a deactivate or activate event 
(in this case deactivate) to the window, causing set-window-layer to be 
called again, which sends a deactivate event to the window, which causes 
set-window-layer to be called again, which sends a deactivate event to  
the window which causes set-window-layer to be called...


smiklos@panix.com,  noslfcntrl@aol.com   Steve Miklos @ home
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