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Re: hardcopy printing
- To: info-mcl@digitool.com
- Subject: Re: hardcopy printing
- From: geek@nwu.edu (Joey Gray)
- Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 14:07:33 -0600
- Organization: Northwestern University
- References: <199503241807.NAA05851@digitool.com>
- Sender: owner-info-mcl@digitool.com
In article <199503241807.NAA05851@digitool.com>,
Christopher.Young@ISL1.RI.CMU.EDU wrote:
> I'm having a little problem perhaps somebody out there can help
>me with. I'm trying to print hardcopy, and on my quickdraw printer (a
>deskwriter) everything comes out fine, but on the postscript laserwriters
>(using the laserwriter 8 driver), the regions are not printed!
> Does anybody have any ideas about what is wrong here?
that's because postscript printers don't do regions, but quickdraw
printers do. as i understand (which is not all that well), there is no
analogous construct in the postscript world, so drawing regions to a
printer port attached to a postscript printer will yield absolutely
nothing. i think that the way some people have gotten around this type of
limitation (if you absolutely must print regions) is to generate an
offscreen image of what you want printed and then just #_CopyBits that to
the printer port.
i know i'm missing the details of what to do, but that's about all that i
know. i've never, ever had to write any printing code, and judging from
the reactions of various other programmers that i've spoken to about
printing, i hope to avoid it in the future, as well.
good luck!
Joey Gray | geek@nwu.edu
School of Education | (708) 467-1704
Northwestern University +------------------------------------
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