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MCL 3.0 Update 4/1

I have used MCL (also earlier Coral incarnations) for several years, and have
delivered commercial applications with it.  In some of those applications
I used FRED to help parse data entered by users and provide extensive error
checking on that data.  

On Sat, 1 Apr 1995 14:30:59 -0500, hsayed@digitool.com (Hazem Sayed) wrote:

"Along with MCL 3.0, Digitool will introduce in May 1995 a redistribution
kit for MCL applications and a redistribution kit for the MCL compiler..."


"A MCL Distributable Application will not include the debugging tools
(trace, step, backtrace, etc.), development tools (apropos, edit-anything
dialog, etc.), Listener, and compiler, hence the lower nominal savings.  A
MCL Distributable Application can also optionally not include Eval, macros,
and some other modules, hence the greater possible savings.

The MCL 3.0 Redistribution Kit with its license will replace the $100 per
year MCL 2.x Object Code Redistribution License - currently available from
Apple Software Licensing - with an "EZ" one-time shrink-wrap redistribution

My concern is straightforward:

Will FRED (the programable editor) will be included in the Redistribution Kit?