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Re: User text

At 10:09 PM 4/5/95 +0000, Richard Lynch wrote:
>Once again, I'm in need of a vertically scrolling, auto-word-wrapping,
>read-only text box and can find nothing.
>I thought somebody had done did this...?
>Bonus points if I can get styled text.
>The FRED answer sucks because
>   a  It doesn't wrap on a word break.
>   b  There's no way I can find to turn off the enter == eval feature.

I can't help with (a) although others may.

Re: (b)... You can turn off the "enter == eval feature" or any other FRED
commands by giving the FRED buffer a custom readtable.

Styled text is also possible, see the MCL examples folder (I think) for
style menu items. We use the example code from some release to do this,
although I don't think there's a documented way to extract the style info
from the FRED buffer. This is the MCL wish list I sent to Digitool.
