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4GB volume again

I posted a question on problem with PBHGetVInfo with 4GB volume last week.
Thanks for the response from Steve Hain and Geoffery Clements, but the problem
is still not solved.  This is what I found from the April 95 Developer CD in
the Inside Macintosh-Files Errata of Technical Documemtation:

> Additional Considerations for GetVInfo
> Page 2-137, GetVInfo
> The drvNum parameter, which specifies the volume, can be a drive number,
> volume reference number, 0 (the default volume), or a working directory
> number. The volName parameter must point to a Str27 buffer or must be set
> to NIL. The freeBytes parameter will not be accurate on volumes with over
> 2 GB of free space.

My next approach is to get to the VCB queue.  This is what I got:

? (#_getvcbqhdr)
#<A Mac Non-zone Pointer #x3>

? (pref (#_getvcbqhdr) :QHdr.qFlags)

? (pref (#_getvcbqhdr) :QHdr.qHead)
#<A Null Mac Pointer>

? (pref (#_getvcbqhdr) :QHdr.qTail)
#<A Mac Non-zone Pointer #x4CB9A00>

Where is qHead??

- Confusing Chuey -