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Re: menubar weirdness in MCL 2.01

At 11:54 5/11/95, Laura Allender wrote:
>We have had this happen too! 
>>Every once in a great while I discover that MCL's menubar has been
>>truncated to just the apple, file, and edit menus.  This happens seemingly
>>at random; in one instance, it seems to have happened while I was doing
>>stuff in other programs with MCL idle in the background.  I am *not*
>>messing with the menubar, neither in Lisp nor anywhere else.
>>(set-menubar *default-menubar*) restores things to normal.
>>Anyone else noticed this behavior?  This is MCL 2.01.

This is reported to be a 7.5 bug, supposedly caused by the hierarchical
submenu feature of the Apple menu.  I've heard conflicting reports that
it is or is not fixed in 7.5.1.  I personally haven't seen it since I turned
off hierarchical Apple menu submenus.

>>Tom McDougal    University of Chicago Artificial Intelligence
>>     mailto:mcdougal@cs.uchicago.edu
>>     http://cs-www.uchicago.edu/~mcdougal
>>     fax: (312) 702-7108
>>     PP-RH