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Question from an irritated beginner


I'm a relatively new user of MCL 2.0.1, and I get irritated by the
fact that upon trying to load a piece of source code from the
library, say: quickdraw, I run into this error:

> Error: There is no package named "NIL" .
> While executing: #<error printing #<Recursive printing error> #xABA34A>
;  NOTE: 
> Error: There is no package named "NIL" .
> While executing: #<error printing #<Recursive printing error> #xABA34A>

... and so forth until:

> Error: There is no package named "NIL" .
> While executing: #<error printing #<Recursive printing error> #xABA34A>
;  NOTE: 
> Error: Stack overflow.
> While executing: 
;  NOTE:  was , was reset to  .
> Type Command-/ to continue, Command-. to abort.
> If continued: Retry finding package with name "NIL".
See the Restartsmenu item for further choices.

I tried to track this down by evaluating things peacemeal, and the
problem comes up in multiple places among which I can't see any
connection, when defining functions, macros, or methods alike.

Before digging deeper into this, I just want to check whether anyone
has experienced the same behavior, or I'm just missing something

Thanks a lot,

Manfred Stede                                  stede@faw.uni-ulm.de
P.O. Box 2060                                                      __o
89010 Ulm                                                        _ \<,_
Germany                                                         (_)/ (_)