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Re: catch-cancel
In article <korcuska-3005951056520001@korcuska.ils.nwu.edu>,
korcuska@ils.nwu.edu (Michael Korcuska) wrote:
> In article <korcuska-2805950935540001@korcuska.ils.nwu.edu>,
> korcuska@ils.nwu.edu (Michael Korcuska) wrote:
> > We ran into a strange problem the other day with catch-cancel and
> > throw-cancel. Inside a catch-cancel we create a window with a button
> > which, when clicked, calls throw-cancel. Unfortunately the throw wasn't
> > being caught by the catch we set up.
> >
I belive the problem is that the scope that (throw *tag* "Cancelled") is
different from the scope that (catch *tag ...) is set up in. The throw is
called from low level event handling code which is different from where
the loop is running. I also think that the throw-cancel/catch-cancel
mechanism is reserved for modal-dialogs. (i'm relatively new to MCL so I
could be wrong about this.) So how do you write code like this:
(defparameter *tag* :cancel)
(let* ((btn (make-instance 'button-dialog-item
:view-size #@(60 20)
:view-position #@(20 40)
:dialog-item-text "Cancel"
:dialog-item-action #'(lambda (item)
(declare (ignore item))
(throw *tag* "Cancelled")))
(wind (make-instance 'window
:window-type :single-edge-box
:view-position :centered
:view-size #@(100 100)
:window-show nil
:view-subviews (list btn))))
(catch *tag*
(window-show wind)
(princ "Looping until cancel button clicked")
(loop for i from 1 to 500
do (princ ".")
finally (return "finished"))))
(window-close wind)
Like this.
(defparameter *tag* :cancel)
(defun do-something ()
(princ ".")
(let* ((btn (make-instance 'button-dialog-item
:view-size #@(60 20)
:view-position #@(20 40)
:dialog-item-text "Cancel"
:dialog-item-action #'(lambda (item)
(declare (ignore item))
(return-from-modal-dialog :cancel)))
(wind (make-instance 'window
:window-type :single-edge-box
:view-position :centered
:view-size #@(100 100)
:window-show nil
:view-subviews (list btn))))
(princ "Looping until cancel button clicked")
(modal-dialog wind t #'do-something))))
If you take out the catch-cancel the Listener's catch-cancel is where the
thow cancel is caught. (return-from-modal-dialog calls throw-cancel in the
correct scope.) do-something is set up as an *eventhook* which is the good
Macintosh doobie way of doing two things at once.
geoff Geoffrey P. Clements
Senior Software Engineer Mac Software Guy
Kodak Electronic Printing Systems KEPS, Inc.
gclements@keps.com Voice: (508) 670-6812