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Re: Lisp considered unfinished
- To: info-mcl@digitool.com
- Subject: Re: Lisp considered unfinished
- From: "David B. Lamkins" <dlamkins@teleport.com>
- Date: 8 Jun 1995 04:35:44 GMT
- Organization: Teleport - Portland's Public Access (503) 220-1016
- References: <ddyerD9pqo2.GKx@netcom.com>, <3r0v3d$bvp@tools.near.net>, <3r5bbs$6f8@news.aero.org>
- Sender: owner-info-mcl@digitool.com
doner@aero.org (John Doner) wrote:
>Accessibility: Good C compilers are available, are cheap, and fit
>on relatively small student-owned machines. Having your own system
>on your own machine is a big plus for anyone learning a language.
>It isn't a requirement, but it helps.
cost(Lisp environment) < cost(C environment) : usually true.
size(Lisp environment) < size(C environment) : debatable.
On my Mac, MCL 2.0 takes up 5.7 MB, fully loaded. Symantec THINK C++ 7.0
takes up 15.5 MB of disk, fully loaded. MCL will run comfortably in 3-5 MB
of physical memory. THINK C++ requires 8-12 MB.
At work, the ratios are similar when comparing ALC/Windows 2.0 and MS VC++ 2.1.
>Debugging: Most Lisps have pretty serviceable debugging tools. But
>what if your code breaks something at a low level? It's pretty
>easy to tell what piece of C source some assembly code corresponds
>to, but not so for Lisp.
This may be an issue of familiarity with language implementation issues, as
suggested earlier in your post (not quoted here). A Lisp disassembly, at
lower optimization levels, tends to name a lot of primitive operations that
pretty clearly indicate what's going on.
> And there are other difficult situations:
>I've been scratching my head for a while over one where the
>compiler chokes on code produced by several layers of interacting
>macros. It is bewildering trying to figure out where this code
>originally came from!
How about macroexpand-1?
CPU Cycles: Use them now, while you still have them.