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AE-targets without PPC Brow
- Subject: AE-targets without PPC Brow
- From: derek@cambridge.apple.com
- Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 11:27:33 -0500
The following code fills in an ae desc with target info. It really defaults
the selection of the PPC browser, but I think it will still work if you remove the call to choose-process-dialog.
(defvar $local-target-name "Local")
(defconstant $your-ppc-type-name "XXXXep01") ; where XXXX is your creator type?
(defun parse-zone-str (str)
; parse strings of form "machine@zone or "machine:type@zone".
(let ((start-type (position #\: str))
(start-zone (position #\@ str)))
(assert start-zone)
(subseq str 0 (or start-type
(if start-type
(subseq str (1+ start-type) (if start-zone
(1- start-zone)
(length str)))
(subseq str (1+ start-zone) (length str)))))
(defun target-string-target-id (target-string target-id)
; Fill in a :TargetID POINTER with data from string.
(assert (and (macptrp target-id) ; really needs to be a ptr not a handle
(stringp target-string)))
(if (string= target-string $local-target-name)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.locationKindSelector)
(multiple-value-bind (object-str type-str zone-str)
(parse-zone-str target-string)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.locationKindSelector)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.ObjStr)
(when type-str
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.TypeStr)
(setf (pref target-id :TargetID.location.NBPEntity.ZoneStr)
(defun app-str-port-info (app-str port-info)
(assert (and (stringp app-str)
(macptrp port-info)))
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.nameScript) #$smRoman)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.name) app-str)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.PortKindSelector) #$ppcByString)
(setf (pref port-info :PortInfoRec.name.PortTypeStr) $your-ppc-type-name))
(defun your-choose-appleevent-target (the-desc
&key prompt title
; zone str of form "machine@zone or "machine:type@zone":
; name of application you are trying to link to:
: Fills in the-desc.
; You must eventually AEDisposeDesc it!
(rlet ((port-info :PortInfoRec)
(target-id :TargetID))
(when (and default-target-str default-app-str)
(target-string-target-id default-target-str target-ID) ; fill in target-id
(app-str-port-info default-app-str port-info))
:prompt prompt :title title
:location-name-record (pref target-id TargetID.location)
:port-info-record port-info
:default-specified (and default-target-str default-app-str))
(setf (pref target-id TargetID.name) (pref port-info PortInfoRec.name))
(ae-error (#_AECreateDesc #$typeTargetID target-id
#.(record-length :TargetID) the-desc))
Derek White (-ex Mr. Pascal)
ATG/East (AppleLink: DEREK)