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Question- initialize-in
- Subject: Question- initialize-in
- From: "Andre Koehorst" <andre_koehorst@riks.nl>
- Date: 18 May 93 15:18:01 U
Reply to: RE>Question: initialize-insta
Cecil N. Huang asked:
> My question is this. How can I reverse what I did in step 2 so that the
> class I defined in 1 would go back to using the original, system default
> initialize-instance?
Just redefine initialize-instance so that it calls the next method
To see an example evaluate all s-expressions below one by one
(defclass test ()
(name :initarg :name :initform (gensym "TEST-OBJECT-") :accessor name
(describe (make-instance 'test))
;;; Forget the :after specializer
(defmethod initialize-instance ((obj test) &key)
(format t "~%Created test-object ~a" (name obj)))
;;; Oh oh!!
(make-instance 'test)
;;; Fix
(defmethod initialize-instance ((obj test) &key)
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((obj test) &key)
(format t "~%Created test-object ~a" (name obj)))
;;; Test
(make-instance 'test)
Hope this helps you out
Date: 5/18/93 2:46 PM
To: Andre Koehorst
From: Cecil Huang
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To: info-mcl@ministry.cambridge.apple.com
From: cecil@camis.stanford.edu (Cecil Huang)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp.mcl
Subject: Question: initialize-instance
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Date: 18 May 1993 06:13:27 GMT
Organization: Section on Medical Informatics at Stanford
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Hello all,
I have a problem which I only know how to solve by exiting and reentering
MCL 2.0. This has to do with initialize-instance:
1. First, I defined a class with some :initforms.
2. Then, I defined an initialize-instance on that class.
*. What I really wanted to do was define an initialize-instance :after
so that the system's initialize-instance would still process the
:initforms and the :initargs properly.
My question is this. How can I reverse what I did in step 2 so that the
class I defined in 1 would go back to using the original, system default
Thanks for all of your help!
Cecil N. Huang