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Problem with 11/785 running 4.3 BSD

I am trying to build kcl for a Vax 11/785 running 4.3 BSD from the sources 
(ftped 11/16/87) from rascal and I receive a memory fault when I am trying to
build a saved_kcl. It occures during the save_system phase. Here is the
backtrace (I recompiled main.c unixsave.c with -g to use gdb)

gdb -q raw_kcl core
(gdb) where
#0  0x27979 in make_simple_string (768358)
#1  0x3f62e in FEerror (768358, 0)
#2  0x2985 in free (ptr=(char *) 0x3224b3d7 "") (../c/alloc.c line 851)
#3  0xb9ef9 in fclose (810988)
#4  0x41382 in Lsave () (../c/unixsave.c line 331)
#5  0xef7 in siLsave_system () (../c/main.c line 720)
#6  0x6cec in eval (828700)
#7  0x107ce in Fprogn (1146344)
#8  0x6b27 in eval (1142740)
#9  0x6faf in Leval ()
#10 0x5f28 in symlispcall (1063488, 846224, 1)
#11 0x481fc in L1 ()
#12 0x5679 in funcall (1096688)
#13 0x6827 in super_funcall (1096688)
#14 0x46e in main (argc=2, argv=(char **) 0x7fffe884, envp=(char **) 0x7fffe890) (../c/main.c line 254)
(gdb) fr 4
#4  0x41382 in Lsave () (../c/unixsave.c line 331)
325     #ifdef BSD
326			nfile = getdtablesize();
327	#else
328			nfile = _NFILE;
329	#endif
330			for (p = &_iob[3];  p < &_iob[nfile];  p++)
331				fclose(p);
332		}
(gdb) p nfile
$1 = 64
(gdb) p *p
$2 = {_cnt = -1922224080, _ptr = 0x39e476f2 "", _base = 0x3224b3d7 "", _bufsiz = -1044279050, _flag = 14136, _file = 29 '\035'}
(gdb) p _iob[3]
$3 = -1051042096
(gdb) p &_iob[3]
$4 = (long *) 0x4
(gdb) p _iob[64]
$5 = 195065583
(gdb) p &_iob[64]
$6 = (long *) 0x41

As shown, the file pointer p is totally invalid. Any ideas or pointers would
be appreciated.

Jean-Pierre Schott
(ARPA) jp@atrp.media.mit.edu
(UUCP) ..!mit-eddie!mit-atrp!jp

PS: I compiled the full sources with MAXPAGE=16384 and VSSIZE=8152 and with
limits datasize	= 61440 kbytes and stacksize = 61440 kbytes