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re: Segmentation Error using SI:FASLINK
I wrote the following lisp program:
(defun fact (i) (cond ((< i 1) 1) (t (* i (fact (- i 1)))))))
However, it will not load with faslink:
>(si:faslink "fact.o" "")
Segmentation violation: c stack ok:signalling error
Error: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
Error signalled by SYSTEM:FASLINK.
Broken at EVAL. Type :H for Help.
Is this an error in kcl or am I making a mistake?
What machine are you running on. And what version of kcl/akcl
faslink is very system dependent.
I am running akcl-1-257 on a Silicon Graphics 4d/20. The operating system
is version 3.1D.
Thanks for the help.