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Need help with AKCL installation


I am in the process of building AKCL version 1.98 on a Sun 4/490
running SunOs 4.1 and have hit a road block. I have obtained the
kcl file and AKCL1.98 from the annoymous ftp @ cli.com, and have
edited the file akcl/h/sun4.defs to indicate the MAINDIR variable.
Then when I run make -f Smakefile "SU=SKIP", after about 15 minutes
(no joke) of compilation, I get the following error:

cc -DVOL=  -I/home/redwood2/akcl/o -Bstatic -temp=. -o raw_kcl ../o/main.o ../o/
alloc.o ../o/gbc.o  ../o/bitop.o ../o/typespec.o ../o/eval.o  ../o/macros.o ../o
/lex.o ../o/bds.o  ../o/frame.o ../o/predicate.o ../o/reference.o  ../o/assignme
nt.o ../o/bind.o ../o/let.o  ../o/conditional.o ../o/block.o ../o/iteration.o  .
./o/mapfun.o ../o/prog.o ../o/multival.o  ../o/catch.o ../o/symbol.o ../o/cfun.o
  ../o/cmpaux.o ../o/package.o ../o/big.o  ../o/number.o ../o/num_pred.o ../o/nu
m_comp.o  ../o/num_arith.o ../o/num_sfun.o ../o/num_co.o  ../o/num_log.o ../o/nu
m_rand.o ../o/earith.o  ../o/character.o ../o/char_table.o ../o/sequence.o  ../o
/list.o ../o/hash.o ../o/array.o  ../o/string.o ../o/structure.o ../o/toplevel.o
  ../o/file.o ../o/read.o ../o/backq.o  ../o/print.o ../o/format.o ../o/pathname
.o  ../o/unixfsys.o ../o/unixfasl.o ../o/error.o  ../o/unixtime.o ../o/unixsys.o
 ../o/unixsave.o  ../o/unixint.o ../o/funlink.o   ../o/fat_string.o ../o/sfasl.o
  sys_kcl.o ../lsp/defmacro.o ../lsp/evalmacros.o ../lsp/top.o  ../lsp/module.o
../lsp/predlib.o ../lsp/setf.o  ../lsp/arraylib.o ../lsp/assert.o ../lsp/defstru
ct.o  ../lsp/describe.o ../lsp/iolib.o ../lsp/listlib.o  ../lsp/mislib.o ../lsp/
numlib.o ../lsp/packlib.o  ../lsp/seq.o ../lsp/seqlib.o ../lsp/trace.o  ../lsp/s
loop.o  ../lsp/debug.o ../cmpnew/cmpinline.o ../cmpnew/cmputil.o ../cmpnew/cmpty
pe.o  ../cmpnew/cmpbind.o ../cmpnew/cmpblock.o ../cmpnew/cmpcall.o  ../cmpnew/cm
pcatch.o ../cmpnew/cmpenv.o ../cmpnew/cmpeval.o  ../cmpnew/cmpflet.o ../cmpnew/c
mpfun.o ../cmpnew/cmpif.o  ../cmpnew/cmplabel.o ../cmpnew/cmplam.o ../cmpnew/cmp
let.o  ../cmpnew/cmploc.o ../cmpnew/cmpmap.o ../cmpnew/cmpmulti.o  ../cmpnew/cmp
special.o ../cmpnew/cmptag.o ../cmpnew/cmptop.o  ../cmpnew/cmpvar.o ../cmpnew/cm
pvs.o ../cmpnew/cmpwt.o -lm -lg
ld: ../lsp/defmacro.o: bad secondary magic number
*** Error code 4
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `raw_kcl'
Current working directory /home/redwood2/akcl/unixport
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'
Current working directory /home/redwood2/akcl
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'

Does anyone know what "bad secondary magic number" mean, and are others
who have successfully build akcl under SunOs 4.1? I have tried this
several times, and make bombs at the same place, and the binary for
the file "defmacro.o" has been built just fine, but for some reason 
ld thinks there is a bad secondary magic number. 

Thanks in advance for your help.

 \ Anoosh Mostaghimi                            CRAY Research Inc. /
  \ Internet: anoosh@cray.com                655F Lone Oak Drive  /
   \ UUCP: uunet!cray!anoosh              Eagen, MN. 55121       /
    \ Fax: (612) 683-5602		Phone: (612) 683-5491  /