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Re: KCl mailing list: please add me

I'm sorry for bothering you all,..

 |Could you add me to the kcl/akcl mailing list?
 |Thank you.
 |Toshimi Sawada    		Computer Language Section
 |Internet: sawda@etl.go.jp	Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL)
 |Tel: +81 298 58 5890		1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba Science City, 
 |Fax: +81 298 58 5891		Ibaraki 305, JAPAN

but my e-mail address in the signature was wrong,
please correct from
Toshimi Sawada    		Computer Language Section
Internet: sawada@etl.go.jp	Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL)
Tel: +81 298 58 5890		1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba Science City, 
Fax: +81 298 58 5891		Ibaraki 305, JAPAN