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Problem with shadow
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In KCL there is a problem with shadowing. Use-package still signals a
name conflict error. This is a bug. Only an explicit import should
signal an error for name conflict with a shadowing symbol. (See CLtL
II, section 11.5, page 255.)
AKCL (Austin Kyoto Common Lisp) Version(1.505) Thu Jan 3 22:19:53 GMT 1991
Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter
>(in-package :server)
#<"SERVER" package>
SERVER>(export 'service)
SERVER>(in-package :client)
#<"CLIENT" package>
CLIENT>(shadow 'service)
CLIENT>(use-package :server)
Error: Cannot use #<"SERVER" package>
from #<"CLIENT" package>,
because SERVER:SERVICE and SERVICE will cause
a name conflict.
Error signalled by USE-PACKAGE.
Broken at USE-PACKAGE. Type :H for Help.
And for comparison:
Starting cmucl ...
CMU Common Lisp 15a, running on bute
Hemlock 3.5 (15a), Python 1.0(15a), target SPARCstation/Sun 4
Send bug reports and questions to cmucl-bugs@cs.cmu.edu.
* (in-package :server)
#<The SERVER package, 0/9 internal, 0/9 external>
* (export 'service)
* (in-package :client)
#<The CLIENT package, 0/9 internal, 0/9 external>
* (shadow 'service)
* (use-package :server)
-- jeff