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We try to compile MAXIMA with akcl. A compiler error occurs when we try to
make plot.o in ../maxima/src. GCC reported 'floating-constant out of range'.
After some debugging we have found the error:
o Our system has IEEE floating point support. Printing the
MOST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT in akcl gives the following result:
(Notice 16 decimal digits)
o When we look at plot.c we see only 15 decimal digits at the point
where the MOST-POSITIVE-LONG-FLOAT is assigned to a variable.
It is rounded to 1.797693134862316E308 and that is too big and
causes a compiler error.
Is it possible to extend the output of doubles in c-files to 16 decimal digits?
Please help, so we can compile MAXIMA.
Lars Koeller
Lars Koeller E-Mail: uphya001@odie.uni-bielefeld.de
Universitaet Bielefeld (Germany) uphya001@unibi.hrz.uni-bielefeld.de
Fakultaet fuer Physik / D0-231 Phone: +49 521-106-5375
Universitaetsstr. 25 Fax: +49 521-106-5244
4800 Bielefeld 1 Telex: 932 362