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Re: #| One last comment on #| |#

Btw, here's some food for thought ...

	       (ERROR "Read End-Of-File while scanning for |#"))

Try commenting that one out. Maybe you want comments to have an input
syntax which allows slashification ... Requiring the user to / certain
configurations in his comments. Sigh.

Also, if you think I shoulda done "Read ... /|#" anyway, maybe you'll find

	(DEFUN NO-SHARP-VBAR? () ; Signals lack of |#
	       (ERROR "Read End-Of-File while scanning for /|#"))

more amusing to try to #| ... |# out. 

Then of course there's also

	#| ... #| ... |# ... |# 

when you didn't realize someone had already #|...|#'d out some of the 
stuff in the middle.