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- Subject: Re: DIGITP
- From: Guy.Steele at CMU-10A
- Date: Thu ,2 Oct 80 14:07:00 EDT
Regarding the KMP/JAR proposal:
(1) I disagree that a separate function DIGIT-WEIGHT is needed;
DIGITP can return the weight. I don't think confusion of
novices is likely; what about MEMBER, for example?
The only argument I can think of for a separate function
DIGIT-WEIGHT is so that it can be declared a FIXNUM function
in MacLISP; but its range is quite restricted, and the fixnum
"interning" mechanism will guarantee that no consing is done anyway.
(2) Even if there were a DIGIT-WEIGHT function, it also ought to take
an optional RADIX argument. (I argue for (DIGITP #/V 'ROMAN) => 5.)
(3) The function DIGIT-NAME exists in CHPROP under the name DIGIT-CHAR.
It too should take an optional radix argument, returning () if
the conversion is not possible, e.g. (DIGIT-CHAR 12. 8) => ().
(4) Minor typos: the function descriptions all think that every
function is called DIGITP.