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Re: Special names for Open-Coded Functions

    Date: 2 December 1980 1034-EST (Tuesday)
    From: Guy.Steele at CMU-10A
    To:   Moon@AI, Bug-Lisp
    Re:   MAX not open-coded

    I lobbied some time ago to change the current MAX and MIN to MAXIMUM
    and MINIMUM, and have MAX, MIN, MAX$, MIN$ -- but it would have
    been incompatible.  Sigh.
I'm not convinced that the idea of making special operators that do the
same thing as generic operators. Several issues get mixed every time this 
comes up and I think it's deserving of some group analysis. Let me break
things into what I think are distinct cases...

[a] `Simple' Open-Coding

    It is the case, however, that (I'll uses GLS's MAX naming convention
    from above)

	(MAX x y) is in all cases the same as (MAXIMUM (FIXNUM-IDENTITY x)
						       (FIXNUM-IDENTITY y))

    in the interpreter, so it is reasonable to open-code this in the compiler.
    In some sense then, having a name around (MAX x y) is only sugar and
    not really necessary. Surely any compiler that could recognize one case
    could recognize the other. Moreover, even if it was looking for MAX,
    we should hope that writing (MAXIMUM (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...) 
    (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...)) would not slow us down, since we've supplied enough
    information to trivially allow the compiler to do the right thing in all

    That means, then, that we'll at least have to justify having the abstract
    operation MAX being different than MAX.

[b] `Hard' Open-Coding

    There is a problem with +/+$/PLUS in that there are differences in 
    effect between some of them. Eg,

	(+ x y) is not the same as (PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY x)

    in the Maclisp interpreter and it's a (maybe good, maybe bad)
    efficiency hack that they're compiled the same. Eg,

	(PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777)
	      (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777))

    is not the same as 

	(+ #o377777777777 #o377777777777)

    in Maclisp. Compiled, both return -2 while interpreted the former returns
    #o777777777776, a bignum.

    I think here that the Maclisp compiler does the user a dis-service by
    turning (PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...) (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...)) into (+ ...)
    because now cases where the user has a macro (FOO) which expands into
    a piece of code that is (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...) and a macro BAR which he
    has not written but which turns out to be clever enough to realize that
    (BAR (FIXNUM-IDENTITY ...)) is the same as (FIXNUM-IDENTITY (BAR ...))
    -- eg, SETF? -- and he does (PLUS (BAR (FOO)) 3) someplace where he
    really wants to force the fancy PLUS addition that makes overflow turn
    to bignums, he has no way of expressing that want or even of trivially
    recognizing that an open-coding will occur. So let's assume that this
    equivalence is a bug in Maclisp.

    Ignoring the issue of how to APPLY or MAP macros, we couldn't even say

	(+ x1 x2 x3 ...) <=> (FIXNUM-IDENTITY (PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY x1)
						    (FIXNUM-IDENTITY x2)
						    (FIXNUM-IDENTITY x3) ...))

    because something like 

	       (PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777)
		     (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777)
		     (FIXNUM-IDENTITY (- #o377777777777))))

    is simply not the same as

	    (+ #o377777777777 #o377777777777 (- #o377777777777))

    because + asserts something overly strong for this case. Namely,

			 (PLUS (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777)
			       (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777)))
		     (FIXNUM-IDENTITY #o377777777777))).

    So let's have a simplicity criterion here that says MAXIMUM are
    simple to open code (relatively speaking) on a given set of inputs 
    that are homogeneous in type because the correct MAX algorithm can
    be chosen from just that criterion. By the same criterion, PLUS (of
    more than 2 arguments) is hard to open code because it involves 
    making assumptions about the intermediate results expected.

By this criterion, I think +/PLUS really do have a better justification 
for having separate names.

I'd like to see us get away from having lists of the optimizations we
know to expect and trying to do a particular declaration so that a 
particular optimization we know of will happen. FIXNUM-IDENTITY and
FLONUM-IDENTITY are useful tools in that respect -- they're just far too
hard to type and probably too restrictive. Wouldn't it be neat if you
and have the compiler infer this to be the same as (CAR LIST)? (Probably
supplying a predicate wouldn't be the right thing, but you get the idea.)
In any case, I think the LispM is going the wrong way by assuming that
just because arithmetic is handled in microcode, that interpreted error
checking and compiler-error-checking primitives like FIXNUM-IDENTITY,
etc. are bad. We need to encourage people to put down anything they are
willing to. Fine if they don't want to, but they'll reap benefits for so 
doing in terms of running speed, compilation speed, and error diagnostics.

Additionally, I think short names for these operators would make people 
less-afraid of using them. Maybe (FIX-I exp) and (FLO-I exp) ...? 

Anyway, I don't think MAX/MAXIMUM deserve two names. Neither do ^$ and EXPT.
As often as ^$ has ever been used in Maclisp, I doubt that a 

    (DEFMACRO ^$ (X Y) (EXPT (FLO-I X) (FIX-I Y)))

wouldn't have been just as good. 


ps Perhaps more flexible control of open-coding would be good. Eg, one or
   more of these ideas might be useful:

   * MAX wouldn't open code unless you did (DECLARE (SHOULD-OPEN-CODE MAX))
     or would unless you did		   (DECLARE (SHUDNT-OPEN-CODE MAX))

     You could force the opposite of the default by saying 
     -- I'm not sure if the ... should be the function or the form. 

   * (DECLARE (CONSERVE SPACE)) or TIME or STACK or whatever...
     so that the compiler would open-code iff it would be more efficient for
     CONSERVE'd resources... An alternate flavor on this would be