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Benchmark - PERQ CL vs Apollo T
- To: T-Users@Yale, Lisp-Forum@MIT-MC, Common-Lisp@Su-AI
- Subject: Benchmark - PERQ CL vs Apollo T
- From: Charles Dolan <cpd@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA>
- Date: Mon ,8 Oct 84 13:17:49 EDT
UCLA has a demo unit of the new PERQ 68000 based workstation
running Common Lisp. We are currently using Apollo workstations
and T. I compared the workstations on the following points:
standard shell startup,
standard editor startup,
lisp editor startup,
(fact 100) - recursive factorial,
(tak 18 12 6) - code given below,
(reverse1 *long-list*) - recursive reverse of a 100
element list, and
(reverse2 *long-list*) - recursive reverse of a 100
element list using closures.
The DN300 is Apollo's low end workstation. It had 1.5 MB and no
local disk. The DN460 is Apollo's bit-slice implementation of the
68000 instruciton set.
PERQ DN300 DN460
shell 10 sec 2/5.5 sec [5] 1/3 sec [5]
editor 7 sec 1 sec 1 sec
lisp editor [1] 14/1.5 sec 23.3/3 sec 10.5/1.8 sec
compilation [4] 11 sec 54 sec 24 sec
(fact 100) 2.1 sec 1.12 sec 0.61 sec
(tak ...) [3] 6.3 sec 3.4/6.3 sec [2] 1/2.7 sec [2]
(reverse1 ...) 2.2 sec 1.2 sec 0.42 sec
(reverse2 ...) 2.7 sec 1.6 sec 0.67 sec
All times were computed by running the funciton is a loop 30
times and dividing the wall clock time by 30.
[1] Since the lisp editors are embedded in the lisp environment
two times are given. The first is for the initial startup of
the editor the first time it is invoked. The second is for
subsequent invocations.
[2] The faster of the two times times is for the case when block
complilation is used. Here the recursive calls to (tak ...)
are compiled as jumps.
[3] In the T code explicit calls to the FIXNUM arithmetic
routines 'FX<' and 'FX-' were used.
[4] The which was compiled is the code below plus one auxiliary
function for each benchmark which performed the loop.
[5] The first time is for the AEGIS shell. The Second is for the
AUX cshell.
The code follows.
(define (fact i) (cond ((eq? i 0) 1)
(T (* i (fact (-1+ i))))))
Common Lisp:
(defun fact (i) (cond ((eq i 0) 1)
(T (* i (fact (1- i))))))
(define (tak x y z)
(cond ((not (fx< y x)) z)
(tak (tak (fx- x 1) y z)
(tak (fx- y 1) z x)
(tak (fx- z 1) x y)))))
Common Lisp:
(defun tak (x y z)
(declare (type integer x)
(type integer y)
(type integer z))
(cond ((not (< y x) z)
(tak (tak (- x 1) y z)
(tak (- y 1) z x)
(tak (- z 1) x y)))))
(define (reverse1 l)
(cond ((null? l) nil)
(T (append (reverse1 (cdr l)) (list (car l))))))
Common Lisp:
(defun reverse1 (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
(T (append (reverse1 (cdr l )) (list (car l)))))
(define (reverse2 l)
(cond ((null? l) (lambda () l))
(T (lambda () (append (apply (reverse2 (cdr l)) ())
(list (car l)))))))
Common Lisp:
(defun reverse2 (l)
(cond ((null l) (function (lambda () l)))
(T (function
(lamda () (append (apply (reverse2 (cdr l)) ())
(list (car l))))))))
-Charlie Dolan