5. Evaluation

The following is a complete description of the actions taken by the evaluator, given a form to evaluate. If form is a number, the result is form . If form is a string, the result is form . If form is a symbol, the result is the binding of form . If form is unbound, an error is signalled. If form is not any of the above types, and is not a list, an error is signalled. If form is a special form, indentified by a distinguished symbol as its car, it is handled accordingly; each special form works differently. All of them are documented in this manual. If form is not a special form, it calls for the application of a function to arguments . The car of the form is a function or the name of a function. The cdr of the form is a list of forms which are evaluated to produce arguments, which are fed to the function. Whatever results the function returns is the value of the original form . [Here there should be the rest of the moby description of evaluation and application, particularly multiple values. Explain the term "variables", also a very brief bit about locals and specials (fluids and lexicals??). The nature of functions should be revealed; including compiled-code, interpreted-code, arrays, stacks, closures, symbols. Discuss macros. Talk about function-calling in compiled code, how this is essentially identical to the apply function, and no need for (sstatus uuolinks) and the like.]

5.1 Functions and Special Forms
eval x
(eval x) evaluates x , and returns the result.
(setq x 43 foo 'bar)
(eval (list 'cons x 'foo))
    => (43 . bar)
It is unusual to explicitly call eval , since usually evaluation is done implicitly. If you are writing a simple Lisp program and explicitly calling eval , you are probably doing something wrong. eval is primarily useful in programs which deal with Lisp itself, rather than programs about knowledge or mathematics or games. Also, if you are only interested in getting at the value of a symbol (that is, the contents of the symbol's value cell), then you should use the primitive function symeval . 'findex "symeval" Note: the actual name of the compiled code for eval is "si:*eval "; this is because use of the evalhook feature binds the function cell of eval . If you don't understand this, you can safely ignore it.

'findex "evalhook" Note: unlike Maclisp, eval never takes a second argument; there are no "binding context pointers" in Lisp Machine Lisp. They are replaced by Closures (see LINK:(closure)).

apply fn arglist
(apply fn arglist) applies the function fn to the list of arguments arglist . arglist should be a list; fn can be a compiled-code object, or a "lambda expression", i.e., a list whose car is the symbol lambda , or a symbol, in which case its definition (the contents of its function cell) is used.
(setq f '+) (apply f '(1 2)) => 3
(setq f '-) (apply f '(1 2)) => -1
(apply 'cons '((+ 2 3) 4)) =>
		((+ 2 3) . 4)	not  (5 . 4)
Of course, arglist may be nil . Note: unlike Maclisp, apply never takes a third argument; there are no "binding context pointers" in Lisp Machine Lisp. Compare apply with funcall and eval .
funcall f &rest args
(funcall f a1 a2 ... an) applies the function f to the arguments a1, a2, ..., an . f may not be a special form nor a macro; this would not be meaningful.
(cons 1 2) => (1 . 2)
(setq cons 'plus)
(funcall cons 1 2) => 3
lexpr-funcall f &rest args
lexpr-funcall is like a cross between apply and funcall . (lexpr-funcall f a1 a2 ... an list) applies the function f to the arguments a1 through an followed by the elements of list .
(lexpr-funcall 'plus 1 1 1 '(1 1 1)) => 6

(defun report-error (&rest args)
   (lexpr-funcall (function format) error-output args))
Note: the Maclisp functions subrcall , lsubrcall , and arraycall are not needed on the Lisp Machine; funcall is just as efficient. 'findex "subrcall" 'findex "lsubrcall" 'findex "arraycall"
quote Special Form

(quote x) simply returns x . It is useful because it takes the argument quoted , so that it is not evaluated by eval . quote is used to include constants in a form.

(quote x) => x
(setq x (quote (some list)))   x => (some list)
Since quote is so useful but somewhat cumbersome to type, the reader normally converts any form preceded by a single quote ( '  ) character into a quote form.
For example, 
(setq x '(some list))
is converted by read into 
(setq x (quote (some list)))
function Special Form
(function x) is similar to quote , except that it implies to the compiler that x is a function. In the interpreter, if x is a symbol (function x) returns x 's definition; otherwise x itself is returned. Because of this, using function rules out the possibility of later changing the function definition of x , including tracing it. Care is required!
comment Special Form
comment ignores its form and returns the symbol comment .
(defun foo (x)
    (cond ((null x) 0)
          (t (comment x has something in it)
             (1+ (foo (cdr x))))))
Usually it is preferable to comment code using the semicolon-macro feature of the standard input syntax. This allows the user to add comments to his code which are ignored by the lisp reader.
(defun foo (x)
    (cond ((null x) 0)
          (t (1+ (foo (cdr x))))     ;x has something in it
A problem with such comments is that they are discarded when the S-expression is read into lisp. If the function is read into Lisp, modified, and printed out again, the comment will be lost. However, this style of operation is hardly ever used; usually the source of a function is kept in an editor buffer and any changes are made to the buffer, rather than the actual list structure of the function. Thus, this is not a real problem.
@define Macro
This macro turns into nil . It exists for the sake of the @ listing generation program, which uses it to declare names of special forms which define objects (such as functions) which @ should cross-reference.
progn Special Form
A progn-form looks like (progn form1 form2 ...) . The forms are evaluated in order from left to right and the value of the last one is the result of the progn. progn is the primitive control structure construct for "compound statements". Although lambda-expressions, cond-forms, do-forms, and many other control structure forms use progn implicitly, that is, they allow multiple forms in their bodies, there are occasions when one needs to evaluate a number of forms for their side-effects and make them appear to be a single form.
(foo (cdr a)
     (progn (setq b (extract frob))
	    (car b))
     (cadr b))
prog1 Special Form
prog1 is similar to progn , but it returns the value of its first form. It is most commonly used to evaluate an expression with side effects, and return a value which must be computed before the side effects happen.
(setq x (prog1 y (setq y x)))
which interchanges the values of the variables x and y . prog1 could have been defined as:
(defun prog1 (&rest values)
    (car values))
It is actually implemented as a macro which expands into a prog2 .
prog2 Special Form
prog2 is similar to progn and prog1 , but it returns its second argument. It is included largely for Maclisp compatibility. It has two purposes: to evaluate two forms sequentially, which can be done more generally with progn , or to do what prog1 is used for (c.f. prog1 above).
let Special Form
let is used to bind some variables for some objects. A let form looks like
(let ((var1  vform1 )
      (var2  vform2 )
When this form is evaluated, first the vform s are evaluated. Then the var s are bound to the values returned by the corresponding vform s. Finally, the bform s are evaluated sequentially and the result of the last one returned. let is implemented as a macro which expands into a lambda-combination; however, it is preferable to use let rather than lambda because the variables and the corresponding forms appear textually close to each other, which increases readability of the program.
See also let-globally , LINK:(let-globally-fun).
progv Special Form
progv is a special form to provide the user with extra control over lambda-binding. It binds a list of symbols to a list of values, and then evaluates some forms. The lists of symbols and values are computed quantities; this is what makes progv different from lambda , let , prog , and do .
(progv symbol-list value-list form1 form2  ... )
first evaluates symbol-list and value-list . Then the symbols are bound to the values. In compiled code the symbols must be special , since the compiler has no way of knowing what symbols might appear in the symbol-list . If too few values are supplied, the remaining symbols are bound to nil . If too many values are supplied, the excess values are ignored. After the symbols have been bound to the values, the form s are evaluated, and finally the symbols' bindings are undone. The result returned is the value of the last form. Note that the "body" of a progv is similar to that of progn , not that of prog .
(setq a 'foo b 'bar)

(progv (list a b 'b) (list b) (list a b foo bar))
    => (foo nil bar nil)
During the evaluation of the body of this progv , foo is bound to bar , bar is bound to nil , b is bound to nil , and a remains bound to foo .
See also bind (see LINK:(bind-fun)), which is a subprimitive which gives you maximal control over binding. The following three functions (arg , setarg , and listify ) exist only for compatibility with Maclisp lexprs .

arg x
(arg nil) , when evaluated during the application of a lexpr, gives the number of arguments supplied to that lexpr. This is primarily a debugging aid, since lexprs also receive their number of arguments as the value of their lambda -variable. (arg i) , when evaluated during the application of a lexpr, gives the value of the i 'th argument to the lexpr. i must be a fixnum in this case. It is an error if i is less than 1 or greater than the number of arguments supplied to the lexpr.
(defun foo nargs            ;define a lexpr  foo.
    (print (arg 2))         ;print the second argument. 
    (+ (arg 1)              ;return the sum of the first 
       (arg (- nargs 1))))  ;and next to last arguments. 
setarg i x
setarg is used only during the application of a lexpr. (setarg i x) sets the lexpr's i 'th argument to x . i must be greater than zero and not greater than the number of arguments passed to the lexpr. After (setarg i x) has been done, (arg i) will return x .
listify n
(listify n) manufactures a list of n of the arguments of a lexpr. With a positive argument n , it returns a list of the first n arguments of the lexpr. With a negative argument n , it returns a list of the last (abs n) arguments of the lexpr. Basically, it works as if defined as follows:
    (defun listify (n)
         (cond ((minusp n)
                (listify1 (arg nil) (+ (arg nil) n 1)))
                (listify1 n 1)) ))

    (defun listify1 (n m)      ; auxiliary function. 
         (do ((i n (1- i))
              (result nil (cons (arg i) result)))
             ((< i m) result) ))
5.2 Functions and Special Forms
The Lisp machine includes a facility by which the evaluation of a form can produce more than one value. When a function needs to return more than one result to its caller, multiple values are a cleaner way of doing this than returning a list of the values or setq 'ing special variables to the extra values. In the normal case, multiple values are not used. Special syntax is required both to produce multiple values and to receive them. If the caller does not receive multiple values, the first of the multiple values will be received as the ordinary value. The primitive for producing multiple values is return , which when given more than one argument returns all its arguments as the values of the prog or do from which it is returning. The variant return-from also can produce multiple values. Many system functions produce multiple values, but they all do it via the return primitive. The special forms for receiving multiple values are multiple-value , multiple-value-list , and multiple-value-bind . These include a form and an indication of where to put the values returned by that form.
multiple-value Special Form
(multiple-value var-list form) is a special form used for calling a function which is expected to return more than one value.

var-list should be a list of variables. form is evaluated, and the variables in var-list will be set (not lambda-bound) to the values returned by form . If more values are returned than there are variables in var-list , then the extra values are ignored. If there are more variables than values returned, extra values of nil are supplied. It is allowed to have nil in the var-list , which means that the corresponding value is to be ignored (you can't use nil as a variable.)

(multiple-value (symbol already-there-p)
	(intern "goo"))
intern returns a second value, which is t if the symbol returned as the first value was already on the obarray, or else nil if it just put it there. So if the symbol goo was already on the obarray, the variable already-there-p will be set to t , else it will be set to nil . multiple-value is usually used for effect rather than for value, however its value is defined to be the first of the values returned by form .
multiple-value-bind Special Form
This is similar to multiple-value , but locally binds the variables which receive the values, rather than setq ing them. The form looks like:
(multiple-value-bind (var1 var2... )
     (function  args... )
  body... )
The scope of the binding of var1 , var2 , etc. is body ; they are not bound until after the function call.
multiple-value-list Special Form
(multiple-value-list form) evaluates form , and returns a list of the values it returned. This is useful for when you don't know how many values to expect.
(setq a (multiple-value-list (intern "goo")))
a => (goo nil #<Package User>)
This is similar to the example of multiple-value above; a will be set to a list of three elements, the three values returned by intern . The first is the newly interned symbol goo , the second is nil to indicate that it is newly-interned, and the third is the package on which it was interned.
Due to the syntactic structure of Lisp, it is often the case that the value of a certain form is the value of a sub-form of it. For example, the value of a cond is the value of the last form in the selected clause. In most such cases, if the sub-form produces multiple values, the original form will also produce all of those values. This passing-back of multiple values of course has no effect unless eventually one of the special forms for receiving multiple values is reached. The exact rule governing passing-back of multiple values is as follows: If X is a form, and Y is a sub-form of X , then if the value of Y is unconditionally returned as the value of X , with no intervening computation, then all the multiple values returned by Y are returned by X . In all other cases, multiple values or only single values may be returned at the discretion of the implementation; users should not depend on this. The reason we don't guarantee non-transmission of multiple values is because such a guarantee would not be very useful and the efficiency cost of enforcing it would be high. Even setq 'ing a variable to the result of a form, then returning the value of that variable might be made to pass multiple values by an optimizing compiler which realized that the setq ing of the variable was unnecessary. Note that use of a form as an argument to a function never passes-back multiple values. We choose not to generate several separate arguments from the several values, because this would make the source code obscure; it would not be syntactically obvious that a single form does not coorrespond to a single argument. Instead the first value of a form is used as the argument and the remaining values are discarded. Passing-back of multiple values happens only with special forms. For clarity, the interaction of several common special forms with multiple values is described. This can all be deduced from the rule given above. The body of a defun or a lambda , and variations such as the body of a function, the body of a let , etc. pass back multiple values from the last form in the body. eval , apply , funcall , lexpr-funcall , and <- pass back multiple values from the function called. progn passes back multiple values from its last form. progv does so also. prog1 and prog2 however do not pass back multiple values. and and or pass back multiple values from their last form, but not from previous forms since the return is conditional. cond passes back multiple values from the last form in the selected clause, but not if the clause is only one long (i.e. the returned value is the value of the predicate) since the return is conditional. This applies even to the last clause where the return is not really conditional (the implementation is allowed to pass or not to pass multiple values in this case). The variants of cond , if , select , selectq , and dispatch pass back multiple values. prog passes back the number of values given as arguments to the return that returns from it. (return form) may return 1 value or may return all the values of form ; as always the implementation is not constrained not to return extra values. (multiple-value-return form) returns from a prog , passing back all the values of form . do behaves like prog with respect to return . All the values of the last exit-form are returned. [This is the "right" thing unless you think of the implementation in terms of return ; what should we do?] ******* unwind-protect does not pass back multiple values. It clearly should, however this is currently difficult to implement. This should be fixed later. *******
5.3 Evalhook
evalhook Variable
If the value of evalhook is non-nil , then special things happen in the evaluator. When a form (even an atom) is to be evaluated, evalhook is bound to nil and the function which was evalhook 's value is applied to one argument--the form that was trying to be evaluated. The value it returns is then returned from the evaluator. This feature is used by the step program (see LINK:(step-fun)).
evalhook is bound to nil by break and by the error handler, and setq 'ed to nil by errors that go back to top level and print * . This provides the ability to escape from this mode if something bad happens. In order not to impair the efficiency of the Lisp interpreter, several restrictions are imposed on evalhook . It only applies to evaluation -- whether in a read-eval-print loop, internally in evaluating arguments in forms, or by explicit use of the function eval . It does not have any effect on compiled function references, on use of the function apply , or on the "mapping" functions. (On the Lisp Machine, as opposed to Maclisp, it is not necessary to do (*rset t) nor (sstatus evalhook t) .) store is never seen by the evalhook function; --> store --> (Also, Maclisp's special-case check for store is not implemented.)
evalhook form hook
evalhook is a function which helps exploit the evalhook feature. The form is evaluated with evalhook lambda-bound to the functional form hook . The checking of evalhook is bypassed in the evaluation of form itself, but not in any subsidiary evaluations, for instance of arguments in the form . This is like a "one-instruction proceed" in a machine-language debugger.
;; This function evaluates a form while printing debugging information. 
(defun hook (x)
   (evalhook x 'hook-function))

;; Notice how this function calls evalhook to evaluate the form f, 
;; so as to hook the sub-forms. 
(defun hook-function (f)
   (let ((v (evalhook f 'hook-function)))
     (format t "form: ~s~%value: ~s~%" f v)
The following output might be seen from (hook '(cons (car '(a . b)) 'c)) :
form: (cons (car (quote (a . b))) (quote c))
form: (car (quote (a . b)))
form: (quote (a . b))
value: (a . b)
value: a
form: (quote c)
value: c
value: (a . c)

(a . c)