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scheme in prolog

A while back there was a discussion on the SCHEME newsgroup concerning
implementations of logic programming languages in Scheme.  David Moon
wondered if anyone had implemented Prolog in Scheme.  His query
stimulated me to give it a try.  I wrote two interpreters for a subset
of Scheme, one with and one without continuation semantics.  I'm happy
to share these with anyone who is interested.

What I found most interesting about the exercise has more to do with
Prolog than with Scheme - It is very difficult to implement an
efficient interpreter for a language which has side-effects in prolog.

I could not find a way to represent environments which had what I
consider to be the neccessary features:

	1 - unreferenced enviroments should be automatically GCed.

	2 - looking up the value of a variable should be cheap and,
	  in particular, should not depend on the the number of values it
	  has received in the past.

	3 - variable assignment should be cheap and, in particular should not
	    require copying abritrary portions of an environment.

	4 - The interpreter should not require an infinite stack nor
	    should the host prolog be required to detect and optimize
	    for tail recursion.

I basically considered two alternatives for representing the environment:

  o represent an environment as a term which contains a sequence of
    variable-name/variable-value pairs.  This achieves (1) in most prologs
    but must give up on either (2) or (3).

  o represent an environment as a set of assertions in the clausal
    database of the form: bound(Symbol,Value,EnvironmentID).  This wins on
    (2) and (3) but loses on (1).

This makes me think that a side-effect predicate like RPLACARG
(discussed in PROLOG-DIGEST about a year ago) is not such a bad idea.
It also reinforces the notion that Lisp is either a (i) more general
or (ii) lower level language than Prolog, depending, of course, on
your point of view.
