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More bum code
It seems a shame to change the names in the code without improving the
algorithm. So I bummed out a quarter of the multiplications and a
seventh of the additions, and dyked out the useless clause. Sorry it's
so late....
(defun f(| |)
(labels ((|| (| |)
(cond ((zerop | |) (values 1 0))
((evenp | |)
(multiple-value-bind (|(| |)|) (|| (/ | | 2))
(values (+ (* |(| |(|) (* |)| |)|))
(* (+ |(| (- |(| |)|)) |)|))))
(multiple-value-bind (|(| |)|) (|| (/ (1- | |) 2))
(values (* |(| (+ |(| |)| |)|))
(+ (* |(| |(|) (* |)| |)|))))))))
(values (|| | |))))