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Tiny Object System
OK, here is my entry in the "smallest pedagogical OOPS". It is not quite as
refined as I would like, but it's close. Note that flavors and operations
(methods) are first-class citizens, more or less: in particular, messages are
NOT quoted symbols.
-- Mitch Wand (wand@corwin.ccs.northeastern.edu)
;;; A Toy Flavors System in Scheme, based on Generic Functions
;;; or, Object-Oriented Programming without Objects
;;; In this version, we introduce a functional model of operations.
;;; Definitions of data structures:
;;; flavor = ([parent|nil] . instance-names)
; cons-cell is hash code for unique flavor (test equality of flavors
; with eq?)
; instance-names are all required fields, beginning with ancestors and
; concluding with local names)
;;; instance = (flavor . instance-values)
;;; method = (cell operation) ; the cell is probably superfluous.
;;; operation = instance->flavor->operation->fcn
;;; An operation takes 3 arguments: the INSTANCE, the FLAVOR of which
;;; it is supposed to be an instance, and another OPERATION (to be
;;; invoked upon inheritance), and produces a FCN to be applied to the
;;; instance.
;;; fcn = lambda (self af1 ... af_k lf_1 ... lf_n . extra-fields) .
;;; lambda (param_1 ... param_p) . M
;;; The point is that the fcn might be applied to an instance of a
;;; DESCENDENT of this flavor, so it will be a record consisting of
;;; the fields of this flavor (af_1 .. lf_n), plus some additional
;;; fields.
;;; Data Structures
(define make-cell (lambda (v) (cons v nil)))
(define deref-cell car)
(define set-cell! set-car!)
(define fl->parent cadr)
(define fl->instance-names cddr)
(define mk-fl (lambda (parent names) (cons '&flavor (cons parent names))))
(make-unprintable '&flavor '<FLAVOR>)
(define inst->flavor car)
(define inst->values cdr)
(define mk-inst cons)
;;; Functional Core
(define make-flavor
(lambda (parent new-names)
(mk-fl parent (append (fl->instance-names parent) new-names))))
;;; here is the empty method. It tries to invoke inheritance if it
;;; can. The third argument is the method to be used if inheritance
;;; is to be followed. Note the implicit Y operator in the last line.
(define empty-method
(lambda (instance flavor whole-method)
(let ((parent (fl->parent flavor)))
(if (null? parent)
(error "Couldn't apply method" whole-method instance)
(whole-method parent instance whole-method)))))
(define make-method
(lambda ()
(make-cell empty-method)))
;;; here is how we add a new "unit method" to an existing method.
;;; This is just the familiar notion of functional extension EXCEPT
;;; for the whole-method argument. This is passed along as we search
;;; for an applicable method, and is eventually used by empty-method
;;; to invoke inheritance.
(define cons-composite-method
(lambda (new-flavor new-fcn old-method)
(lambda (instance flavor whole-method)
(if (eq? flavor new-flavor)
(apply new-fcn
(cons instance (inst->values instance)))
(old-method flavor instance whole-method)))))
(define add-method!
(lambda (method flavor fcn)
(set-cell! method
(cons-composite-method flavor fcn (deref-cell method)))))
;;; Next we write some user-interfaces
; the null flavor has no parent and no fields
(define null-flavor '(nil))
; define new flavors with define-flavor
(extend-syntax (define-flavor)
[(define-flavor name parent instance-name ...)
(define name (make-flavor (if (null? parent) null-flavor parent)
'(instance-name ...)))])
; make new instances with make-instance. Put parent values first,
; then local values. This could use call-by-keyword, with a SMOP.
(extend-syntax (make-instance)
[(make-instance flavor values ...)
(list flavor values ...)])
; make new methods with define-method
(extend-syntax (define-method)
[(define-method name)
(define name (make-method))])
; add options to methods with add-method
(define expand-add-method
(lambda (exp)
(record-case exp
[add-method (method flavor params body)
(let ([bvl (cons 'self (append (fl->instance-names
(execute (compile flavor)))
(add-method! ,method ,flavor
(lambda ,bvl (lambda ,params ,body)))
(macro add-method expand-add-method)
;;; apply-method is the user-level invocation of methods. It
;;; evaluates and dereferences its method and object arguments exactly
;;; once. Notice how real-method is passed as the third argument to
;;; itself in order to initiate the inheritance search loop.
(extend-syntax (apply-method)
[(apply-method method object arg ...)
(let ((real-method (deref-cell method))
(real-object object))
((real-method (inst->flavor real-object) real-object real-method)
arg ...))])
;;; Just for laughs, here is a general setter:
(define-method :set)
(add-method :set null-flavor (name val)
(iterate loop
([names (fl->instance-names (inst->flavor self))]
[vals (inst->values self)])
[(null? names) (error "cannot set " name)]
[(eqv? (car names) name) (set-car! vals val) val]
[else (loop (cdr names) (cdr vals))])))
(define-method :run-super)
(add-method :run-super null-flavor (method)
(let ((parent (fl->parent (inst->flavor self))))
(if (null? parent)
(error "no super")
(apply-method method (mk-inst parent (inst->values
;;; and here is a test file:
(define-flavor terminal () val)
(define-flavor Ident terminal)
(define-flavor Number terminal)
(define-flavor Compound () Operator argument1 argument2)
(define-flavor MulSym ())
(define-flavor AddSym ())
(define-method :eval)
(add-method :eval Number () val)
(add-method :eval Compound ()
(apply-method :operator-result Operator
(apply-method :eval argument1)
(apply-method :eval argument2)))
(define-method :operator-result)
(add-method :operator-result MulSym (v1 v2) (* v1 v2))
(add-method :operator-result AddSym (v1 v2) (+ v1 v2))
(define test1
(lambda ()
(let* ([mulsym (make-instance MulSym)]
[addsym (make-instance AddSym)]
[obj1 (make-instance Compound addsym
(make-instance Number 5)
(make-instance Number 7))])
(writeln (apply-method :eval obj1) " = " 12)
(apply-method :set obj1 'Operator mulsym)
(writeln (apply-method :eval obj1) " = " 35))))