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I've gotten tired of saying the same things over and over again, so I
have prepared a Scheme list "policy statement". I'll send this to every
new person who joins the list at MIT. Most of you have probably heard
all this before, so you can ignore it.
General information about the Scheme mailing list:
- The list is not moderated. If you send mail to scheme@mc.lcs.mit.edu,
it will be forwarded to the hundreds (thousands?) of list members on the
ARPA Internet, CSNET, BITNET, Usenet, JUNET, etc. If you have any doubt
about the suitability of your message for this audience, send it to
scheme-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu instead, and your message will be either
answered or forwarded.
- Do not send messages concerning MIT's scheme implementation (C Scheme)
to the list; users of the many other Scheme implementations don't care
to see such messages. There is a separate list,
info-cscheme%oz@mc.lcs.mit.edu, for this purpose. To be added to that
list, send mail to info-cscheme-request%oz@mc.lcs.mit.edu.
- Send administrative requests to scheme-request@mc.lcs.mit.edu, NOT to
JAR. If your machine is scheduled to change its name or routing, or to
go off the net, or if you move, please send mail to scheme-request so
your entry can be changed.
- Every week, several addresses on the scheme list stop working, and
error reports are sent back to the message's sender or to
scheme-request. If a message you send gets bounced, forward the error
report to scheme-request. Bad addresses on the list can't be tolerated;
become invalid due to no fault of your own, and/or without your being
aware of it. For example, if your system becomes inaccessible from the
Internet for a week, of if it changes its name, messages to you will
bounce, and your entry will be removed from the list. If you don't get
any scheme messages for, say, three or four weeks, you might want to send
a message to scheme-request to verify that you're still on.
- If there's more than one person at your site who wants to be on the list,
please set up a local redistribution list.
- The list is archived in the following files:
LSPMAI; SCHEME MAIL1 on host AI.AI.MIT.EDU [oldest messages]
LSPMAI; SCHEME MAIL on host MC.LCS.MIT.EDU [newest messages]
Note that there are spaces in these filenames, so you may have to type
double quotes at your FTP program. If you don't have Internet FTP access,
tough luck.
- There is a file on host AI.AI.MIT.EDU, "LSPMAI; SCHEME IMPLS", that
has brief descriptions of available scheme implementations and how to
get them. If you want a copy of this file, but you don't have Internet
FTP access, send a request to scheme-request.