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Macros; lexcial scope
I would like to know how you would expect macros to work in Scheme
or generally in a lexically scoped Lisp.
(I'm not talking about a specific Scheme implementation here)
Suppose Scheme supported something like ``define-macro'' with the same
syntax as ``define'', so that you could, for instance, write
(define-macro (incr x) `(set! ,x (+ ,x 1)))
Now my question is whether macros are lexically scoped (like functions)
or whether macro expansion is performed in a purely syntactic way.
Consider the following example:
(define x 1)
(define-macro (m) x)
(let ((x 2))
Would you expect that (m) evaluates to 1 or to 2? Yes, I know, if I had
written (define-macro (m) 'x), it would evaluate to 2. However, in
both Common Lisp (using a different syntax, of course) and C-Scheme,
(m) returns 1 in the example above.
Thus, it looks as if the first time the macro body is evaluated, the
evaluation takes place in the lexical scope of the define-macro.
Now consider a slighly more complex example:
(define x 1)
(let ((x 2))
(define-macro (m) x)
(let ((x 3))
In both Common Lisp and C-Scheme, this evaluates to 1. My mind boggles.
The macro is local to the outer let, why is the ``x'' inside the macro
body bound to the global variable? Are macro always implemented like
this (in lexically scoped Lisps)? If so, why?
[I'm sorry, if the answer to my question is obvious; I'm new to Scheme
and Lisp.]
Oliver Laumann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
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