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readable code to SET recordfields
To: scheme@zurich.ai.mit.edu
Subject: readable code to SET recordfields
From: Edward Hoenkamp <EDH at HNYKUN52.BITNET>
Date: Fri May 13 13:20:13 1988
;;; What about this simple way of constructing and selecting records
;;; that will allow the fields to be globally 'set' even if the
;;; record is referred to by a variable.
;;; Edward Hoenkamp.
(define (make-bar struct)
(lambda (select . new-value)
(if (null? (car new-value)) ; if no new-value passed
(car (select struct)) ; select and leave as is
(set-car! (select struct) (caar new-value)))))
;;; choose appropriate selector names
(define (first:of name . new) (name (lambda(x) x) new))
(define (second:of name . new) (name cdr new))
(define (third:of name . new) (name cddr new))
;;; etcetera.
;;; Example
; >>> (define foo (make-bar '(a b c)))
; foo
; >>> (first:of foo)
; a
; >>> (second:of foo)
; b
; >>> (define baz '(d e))
; baz
; >>> ((lambda (x)
; (second:of x baz)) foo)
; ((d e) c)
; >>> (third:of foo)
; c
; >>> (second:of foo)
; (d e)
;;; Add your own syntactic sugar for macro expansion
;;; (and/or use vectors instead of lists).