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L&FP 88 Registration Forms

Apparently many people have not yet received the advance registration
forms from ACM.  Supposedly, it was sent to all members of SIGPLAN,
SIGART, and SIGACT, along with about 250 of the people who attended
the 1986 conference (according to the Post Office, this went to 16,000
people on May 10???, the remaining that went first class and overseas
were mailed before that).  Anyway, here is a pseudo electronic version
of registration form.  Please provide ACM with all of this information
detailed here.


====================== L&FP 88 Registration Form ====================

The registration fees for applications prior to June 24 are:

Student	$75
ACM or SIG (PLAN, ART, or ACT) Member Only	$250
ACM and SIG Member	$225
Non-Member	$290

The registration fees for applications after that date are:

Student	$100
ACM or SIG (PLAN, ART, or ACT) Member Only	$300
ACM and SIG Member	$275
Non-Member	$350

Additional banquet tickets (for students or guests) are $40
Additional luncheon tickets are $12.50

Make your own application form including

	Your Name
	E-mail Address
	Membership status in ACM and SIGPLAN/SIGART/SIGACT including
		membership number

	Your fee category (as described above)
	Your order for any extra banquet or luncheon tickets
	Total fees enclosed
	Form of payment (check/credit card)
	Credit card type (Mastercard, Visa, or Amer Express), number,
		and signature if paying by credit card
	Mailing List Restriction: (one of No Restictions, ACM and Other
		Society Announcements, ACM Announcements)

If paying by check, make check payable (in US funds only!) to:

	ACM LFP '88

Mail your form and payment to:

	ACM LFP '88
	P.O. Box 12105
	Church Street Station
	New York, NY  10249