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collect special form for streams

Any help you can provide would be appreciated ...

How can the "collect" special form for streams (from Chap. 3 of
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) be implemented for
TI PC-Scheme? I have Kent Dybvig's "extend-syntax," but this does not
appear to be powerful enough for this special form.

   __                     ()
  /  )              /     /\       /                 _/_
 /  / __. , __o  __/     /  )  _. /_  , , , __.  __  /  __.
/__/_(_/|_\/ <__(_/_    /__/__(__/ /_(_(_/_(_/|_/ (_<__/  |_
uucp:                         schw@gt-eedsp.uucp
domainizing internet mailers: schw@gteedsp.gatech.edu
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