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Scheme bibliography (few additions)

Here are few additions to the scheme bibliography since the last
posting. I will do a complete re-post at an appropriate time.  See
LISP POINTERS (Readings in Scheme column) for a printed version.
Keep them additions coming.  (Thnx Kent!)  [For example, I have not
yet been able to get the latest Lisp Conf.  proceedings... Entries
 from that conference would be most welcomed.]  I have also received
some "abstracts", and I will post them with the biblio entries once
a critical mass is reached. (Hello Indiana ?? MIT ?? zzzttt...nnn..
can't...  hear... you... :-)

Help save the scheme-literati: send me the biblio-details of those
obscure tech reports dusting(?) on your shelf... If it exists, and has
anything to do with Scheme, it ought to be in The (note the uppercase
T) Bibliography...

Notes: I think (this is a subjective opinion, based on actual
reading, and not a commercial :-) Kent's "Three implementation models
for Scheme" thesis is an excellent reading, especially for the
implementor. It describes the foundations of the `Chez' implementation.
I especially enjoyed the clean-and-concise exposition of the ideas
and algorithms.

Happy scheming... oz

---- snip ----

%A Uwe F. Pleban
%T The Standard Semantics of a Subset of SCHEME, a Dialect of LISP
%R Computer Science Technical Report TR-79-3
%I University of Kansas
%C Lawrence, Kansas
%D July 1979

%A Uwe F. Pleban
%T A Denotational Approach to Flow Analysis and Optimization of
SCHEME, A Dialect of LISP
%R Ph.D. Dissertation
%I University of Kansas
%C Lawrence, Kansas
%D 1980

%A Rex A. Dwyer
%A R. Kent Dybvig
%T A SCHEME for Distributed Processes
%R Computer Science Department Technical Report #107
%I Indiana University
%C Bloomington, Indiana
%D April 1981

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%T C-Scheme
%R Computer Science Department Technical Report #149 (MS Thesis)
%I Indiana University
%C Bloomington, Indiana
%D 1983

%A Richard Schooler
%A James W. Stamos
%T Proposal For a Small Scheme Implementation
%R MIT Lab for Computer Science Memo TM-267
%C Cambridge, Mass.
%D October 1984

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%A Bruce T. Smith
%T Chez Scheme Reference Manual Version 1.0
%I Cadence Research Systems
%C Bloomington, Indiana
%D May 1985

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%T Three Implementation Models for Scheme
%R Department of Computer Science Technical Report #87-011 (PhD Dissertation)
%I University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
%C Chapel Hill, North Carolina
%D April 1987

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%A Robert Hieb
%T A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface
%J Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming
%C Salt Lake City, Utah
%D July 1988
%P 106-115
%O Also Indiana University Computer Science Department Technical Report #247

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%A Robert Hieb
%T Engines from Continuations
%R Computer Science Department Technical Report #254
%I Indiana University
%C Bloomington, Indiana
%D July 1988
%O Also to appear in Journal of Computer Languages

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%A Robert Hieb
%T Continuations and Concurrency
%R Computer Science Department Technical Report #256
%I Indiana University
%C Bloomington, Indiana
%D July 1988

%A R. Kent Dybvig
%A Daniel P. Friedman
%A Christopher T. Haynes
%T Expansion-Passing Style: A General Macro Mechanism
%J Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal
%V 1
%N 1
%I Kluwer Academic Publishers
%P 53-76
%D June 1988

%A Olin Shivers
%T Control Flow Analysis in Scheme
%J Proceedings of the Sigplan 1988 Conference on Programming Language
Design and Implementation
%P 164-174
%C Atlanta, Georgia
%D June 1988
%K schflow

You see things, and you say "WHY?" 	    Usenet:    oz@nexus.yorku.ca
But I dream things that never were;         ......!uunet!utai!yunexus!oz
and say "WHY NOT?"			    Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti]
[Back To Methuselah]  Bernard Shaw	    Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976